Page 31 - ALG Issue 3 2014
P. 31
In the absence of the outgoing President Mr. Colin Nickerson due to health issues, and the outgoing Chairman Mr. Allan Rees, the Vice Chairman Mr. Andy Percival presided.
Andy Percival welcomed everyone and introduced the Worshipful Mayor of Blackpool, Councillor Val Haynes and Consort Mr. Allan Haynes who opened the proceedings. Councillor Haynes explained that she was honoured to be asked to open the AGM. She had been very involved in allotments in Blackpool over the years and was proud of the work the Council had done with Blackpool Federation of Allotment Associations and their mutual achievements especially around learning on allotments and use of sites by schoolchildren and disabled groups.
Mr. Percival presented the Mayor with an arrangement of flowers and escorted her from the platform as she had previous engagements to attend.
Outgoing President’s comments taken from the
Annual Report 2014 – Colin Nickerson
Last year’s message welcomed the ARI mentors to a closer working relationship pursuing our shared objective- the development and strengthening of the allotment community. We optimistically looked forward to implementing the first phase of our Business Plan which was based on members’ contributions to the Strategic Review. This year internal differences have made progress slower than we had hoped.
Changes in key personnel at Corby have added to the difficulties. We owe a great debt for the manner in which our professional staff have worked to maintain the services provided by the Society. When we members argue passionately about our hobby, it is too easy to forget the pressure we are putting on our employees who must stay calm and keep the Society functioning. Thank you.
My generation’s strong belief in democracy was formed under
the shadow of Hitler. A democratic organisation operates through
a balance of individuality and interdependence, a recognition that our long term self-interest is incompatible with unrestrained self-will. Today’s generation faces a new threat, the internet. An asset which makes it easier to express an opinion but also makes it easier for a demagogue to disguise his motives. For the individual it is too easy to press a button to support a proposal forgetting that the small print must be read.
But the essential principle is unchanged. Democracy rests on the ACTIVE involvement of its members. Pressing a button is not sufficient. ACTIVE is the operative word.
As a survivor of the turbulence of the mid-Nineties I have faith in the resilience of the Society and its determined active members to resolve our present difficulties,
I am confident that the Society will emerge, as it did 15 years ago, wiser for the experience; stronger and more influential than ever before.
Outgoing Chairman’s comments taken from the
Annual Report 2014 – Allan Rees MBE
For those that are not aware, I will not be standing for the position
of Chairman this year. In spite of limited, vociferous critics, over the last three decades we have progressed immensely. Along the way
we have come across difficulties that had to be overcome and had new challenges to face. We met these face on and despite suffering a loss from 2012, the Management Committee remained committed to the cause, enabling us to make progress on all issues that had been previously questioned.
Unfortunately there have been a few setbacks. We have lost several members of staff, namely Georgie, Iain and Donna. This reduction
in personnel meant that there was limited staff to carry out the full amount of work on the strategic review. Even so, we continue to persevere and although some things have been put on hold, progress is being made on several fronts, including the business plan.
As this will probably be my final report to the AGM I wish to thank all of those who have been supportive to the Management Team
who makes the decisions. For those who have given me, personally, support I wish you good fortune in future deliberations and ask that your next chairman be given the assistance that is needed to continue to take this organisation forward. Despite some disappointments in what has been a difficult year, to say the least, having given my full commitment to the National and you, the members, over the last 31 years, I would like to offer my appreciation to those who continue to
work for the maintenance and development of the NSALG.
Finally, we tend to forget that we sometimes have limited staff in the office and the workload can be overwhelming, especially when having
to make several mail shots to all members. These staff members, past and present, deserve recognition for their commitment to
the organisation. I would also like to give my thanks to all who participated at shows during the summer for their hard work and dedication, regardless of whether a local or national project, and to those who have opened up their sites for allotment week. Already a lot of good reports are coming through.
Peter Lofts, Allan Rees, Mike Thurlow, Len Parnell, Mrs. Kitty Redden, Colin Nickerson.
Derek Humphries
Tony Heeson, Yorkshire Regional Rep. explained that Derek Humphries had passed away. Derek had been the Regional Rep for many years and also Chair of the M.C.
Standing Orders Address and Report
Iain Crawford, Chair of Standing Orders, explained that he would be standing down at the end of the AGM. He had enjoyed the role up to now but 2014 had been very challenging. The recent calls for an SGM and the use of proxy votes had highlighted the need for the rules to be updated as the present rules do not take into account use of the internet. He hoped that rule changes could be worked on and put before the 2015 AGM.
Iain explained the Card Voting procedure.
Election of Tellers- non-voting delegates
Carol Vance – Fleetwood
Gavin Crossley – Hyndburn
Neville Mitchinson – Audley AA
Rosemary Smith – Cheltenham Allotments Chris Clements – South East Region Ronan Dolny – Acregate Allotments
Acceptance of Report and Proceedings of the 2013 AGM
Proposed - Steve Clements
Seconded – Tim Cann, Life Member Sec: Court Place Farm A
No matters arising

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