Page 32 - ALG Issue 3 2014
P. 32
Presentation of Annual Report 2014
Our Work – Liz Bunting
The challenges facing allotments and the allotment movement have never been greater and as a national organisation we must respond in equal measures. I take up my position as Legal and Operations Manager at a time of unprecedented upheaval in all spheres but my commitment remains strong towards our membership.
This is the time of year when we have to consider what our impact has been over the last twelve months of 2013/2014. The true test of the National Allotment Society (NAS) like any organisation is the question – what would happen if we were not here? NAS is the national membership organisation that campaigns for the allotment movement through active promotion, development and protection of allotment land. We have a unique role and aim to bring together all those with a passion and interest for allotment gardening.
So how have we performed?
We have a very dedicated team of Regional Representatives and Allotment Development (ADI) Mentors who work closely with Head Office Staff and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all for their dedicated work over the last twelve months. The hard work of all volunteers and staff has led to the following new members being admitted during the last twelve months:
Associations ................................................................................ 172 Individuals ................................................................................... 230 Local Authorities and Land Owners ...............................................46 Schools ......................................................................................... 10 Life Members ..................................................................................1 Others (who subscribe to magazine only).......................................20
National Allotments Week 2013
In 2013 over 30 member sites opened their gates during NAW to welcome visitors from the local community, along with many more sites who opened at different times over the summer; including Bensham Manor Allotments in Surrey who had a beer tent with local Real Ale from the Cronx brewery, face painting, pony & trap rides round the site, Jerk chicken barbeque, pets corner and, of course, home -made cakes and produce from the allotments.
There was media interest from radio, local newspapers and CITV daybreak in London and Leeds, whilst a number of companies used it as a marketing opportunity – from a firm of chiropractors to cosy- feet© footwear, socks and hosiery!
There was a fruity theme to the week and a member’s survey revealed that raspberries were the favourite fruit grown. Close analysis of the survey brought to light the fact that there is far more rhubarb grown than eaten. We also used the week to encourage councils to change the status of their long-standing temporary
allotments sites - where the land was no longer needed for other purposes, from temporary to statutory.
Through our website our members can advertise the events they are holding and can share their successes. We are always delighted to receive articles from members in all regions sharing their social events amongst our membership. We need many more people this year to support National Allotment Week and details will be available very soon of our 2014 campaign.
The 2013/14 Show season was a great success
It is always a great pleasure to meet members on show stands and to encourage others with an interest to join and benefit from the Society. The Edible Garden Show starts the gardening year and
in March 2014 this event was held at Alexandra Palace, a really attractive venue. People attending the show came from all over – including Sweden, Hull, Doncaster and East Devon. Nineteen stand workers from across the Eastern and the South East Regions helped over the three day event, along with support from Corby staff. The consensus view was that about 40% of those who came to the
NAS stand were allotment holders, with a range of interesting and challenging questions. Malvern Spring and Autumn shows, Tatton and Wisley all attracted new members to the Society.
Leeds and District Allotment Gardener’s Federation enjoyed
a very successful year; they won gold medals at both the Great Yorkshire Show and the Harrogate Flower Show. Their innovative garden featured low cost under soil heating, constructed using an old radiator, ice tubs and solar panels to generate free electricity, and raised beds to maximise on the space available. As a result
of these awards the Federation have been asked to present their award winning garden at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. What an accolade, we wish them every success.
NAS Website
Since the re-vamp of the website in 2012 use has grown from 9,778 visits in July 2012 to 22,883 visits in July 2013. The Growing Pages are very popular and the new information leaflets are downloaded regularly. Not surprisingly the wet winter of 2013/14 inspired a lot of interest in our “Flooding on Allotments and Gardens” leaflet, but the most popular leaflet of all is the “Wildlife on Allotments”, which says a great deal about the concerns of our members and visitors to the website. We will continue to develop the web-site and have plans to complement it in 2014 with our Facebook page.
Allotment Officers Forums
These events are held in each region once or twice a year, with the exception of Yorkshire where the officers have their own group. The

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