Page 14 - QARANC Vol 20 No 3 2023
P. 14

                                   14 The Gazette QARANC Association
 There was a varied programme of guided tours of the chapel and museum displays, presentations of the history of male nursing from WW1 to present day and a performance from the AMS Band. During the afternoon The Countess chatted to many of the guests before cutting the commemorative cake and sitting down to afternoon tea to listen to the presentations.
Before departing she planted a tree dedicated to Army Nursing and signed our visitors’ book. Col Farmer presented her with a mounted Tippet medal, from the Association collection, in recognition of her visit.
Ursula Pearce, the Heritage & Education Officer at Netley, was presented with a Tippet medal from the Association to add to the museum display. Having worked there since 2016, she was present when The Countess officially opened the Chapel after refurbishment in November 2018, and she provided a fascinating insight into the history of the hospital, with particular emphasis on Army nursing.
She is responsible for the heritage exhibitions, visitor engagement and education visits to the Chapel, and would love to hear from anyone who has a story to tell about Netley (contact her directly at
Cpl Matthew Brown, a student nurse, dressed in authentic WW1 uniform and read extracts from the recollections of Corporal Ward Muir RAMC, Nursing Orderly, 3rd London general Hospital. Here is a brief passage from his reading:
“The word goes round. “Convoy expected at six- thirty. Fifty cot cases. Seventy walking cases. Another convoy at nine. Forty cot cases. A hundred walking cases. All orderlies’ evening passes stopped. The lull is over. Across in France the battle has crashed forth anew. The evening papers ANNOUNCE ANOTHER Big Push; and even while the newsboys are selling their editions, we at the hospital are taking in the broken and the maimed from the front.”
Those attending also heard from the Chairman of the QA Association, Col (retd) John Quinn OStJ, also a Former Director of Army Nursing (DANS). John joined the RAMC in 1971, commissioned in 1977 and then transferred to the QARANC in 1992. When appointed DANS in 2005 he was the first male to hold the position.
And Brigadier (retd) David McArthur OBE gave an entertaining and humorous account of his 36 years’ experience of challenging gender and cap badge politics as he developed his career in the TA/Reserves, initially in the RAMC before transferring into the QARANC. He is a former head of AMS Reserves and currently Executive Nurse Director for NHS Orkney.
Cpl Helen Winpenny and Cpl Alexander Ball, currently serving at 16 Medical Regiment, also delivered a presentation.
Thank you to all our speakers, the AMS band, and the venue staff. A special thanks to the working party involved in making this such a memorable event: Lt Col Alison Cripps, Capt James Bradbury, WO2 John Beckett and personnel from JHG(S).
All photographs are courtesy of MOD photographer Mike Smith and Pte Bettany Gerrard.
Some funding was provided by the QA Association in recognition of veteran attendance.
Netley in 1950 and now

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