Page 86 - BHTA 100 years
P. 86
TCES rumbles on, Cinderella service claim and full OFT approval at last...
By the Spring of 2009, the position regarding the Transforming Community Equipment Services (TCES) programme was becoming increasingly unclear. The Association had serious doubts about the DoH’s nancial and market size assumptions, while Commissioners and Loan Stores did not appreciate the need for change and felt threatened by potential job losses. In addition, retailers were not engaging because they didn’t see it as an investment opportunity or any likelihood of it improving their pro tability.
While the BHTA remained ‘supportive in principle’, two position papers had called for a number of actions from the DoH. In the meantime, along with the National Association of Equipment Providers (NAEP), BHTA had set up the Community Equipment Dispenser Accreditation Scheme.
DG Ray Hodgkinson said at the time: “The market seems to be making up its own mind and developing its own solutions.”
A Section name change saw the emergence of The Decontamination and Infection Prevention Section. The Chairman at the time, Tony Hamer said: “The members wanted a name that re ects the extensive scope and closeness to current issues that the Section engages in and Infection Prevention should give us a direct hit.”
2009 was signi cant as it saw the full approval of the Code of Practice by the Of ce of Fair Trading (OFT), after it had been introduced in 2004. BHTA President at the time, Graham Collyer said: “I have always believed that effective self-regulation is the cornerstone of every trade association. I’m sure that OFT approval will be of great bene t for BHTA members, their employees and their customers.”
BHTA 100 years