Page 107 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 107
could not support them, underpinning the folly of Recce by map. A brief respite in the middle of the FTX was provided by
the Padre who held a field service on a sweltering afternoon; fortunately the CQMS provided welcome iced refreshments.
True to form the promised helicopter did not materialise and for the final push Cpl Newport put in some sterling Recce work to bring the Company onto the PAE’s
final redoubt. From lessons learnt during the Advance to Contact the MG Platoon inserted overnight (chased by a local farmer!) to provide eyes on, from there they were able to provide essential fire support for the Rifle Platoons onto all the objectives.
Ex LION STAR presented an excellent opportunity to stretch our collective capability working as a truly integrated Company group and an ideal start to the future of the Army Reserve.
LCpl Dallyn enjoying the AT phase on EX LION STAR 3
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