Page 108 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 108
Offensive Operations
The main focus for the Battalion’s training was on Operations in Built Up Areas (OBUA) and adopting the “Narrow but Deep” approach we kicked off with low level training at Caerwent, practically on A Company’s doorstep. The Permanent Staff Instructors (PSIs) took the lead in a series of skills stands, WO2 James’ principles lesson certainly challenging the Riflemen’s knowledge of the English language. Other highlights included casualty evacuation with Cpl Harknett taking the prize for who can get dropped the most and the unnamed Rifleman who insisted on following the Grenade into the room, the Ops Officer
had his first run out with an orders TEWT complete with Guards panache.
The next two instalments were conducted at Copehill Down, the first being Battalion led using the extensive facilities there, one of the most enjoyable being the Rhino Rig; what Rifleman doesn’t like kicking doors
in and on the hottest day of the year. With everyone warmed up the Platoons rotated through street clearing and started to learn the lessons of situational awareness. To consolidate the training we formed up as
a Company group for a first light attack on Shrewton Street, even at 0400hrs it was sweltering and as the attack progressed and Capt Nik Taylor probably wished he was a few years younger! The Riflemen worked hard, demonstrating the skills gained thus far but as always there is more to learn. The Companies took the lead for their own training on our return, working on the lessons from the previous instalments before regrouping under Maj Mark Laverick (OC A Company) for a confirmatory exercise. This time we moved overnight, not without incident proving more work
on navigation was required. Building on the previous exercise we launched before first light; more work to do and situational
awareness being the enduring theme. The Battalion returned to SPTA for Ex
WYVERN TEMPEST, the brainchild of
Maj Jon Penhale to bring all of the OBUA package together, this time with Maj Jonny Webber (OC B Company) taking the reins. After conducting the Find and Fix, the tenacious enemy looking suspiciously like CSM D Company and members of the band were cornered in Imber village. Maj Jonny Webber took his Company in at first light with the Army Media Team in tow.
This was a tough nut to crack and after establishing a foothold the Company swept up the enemy in good order.
A well delivered skills package paid dividends during the Exercise, with situational awareness improving all the time and if you don’t enjoy OBUA your in the wrong profession.
Collective Capability
Over the last 10 years the TA, and now the Army Reserve, has provided individual augmentees in support of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan at the expense of collective competences. Army 2020 and Future Reserve 2020 (FR2020) is a game changer. The Army Reserve must now relearn skills and competencies which have not been taught or exercised for the last decade.
Collective capability is delivered through well constructed and resourced collective training. However, the initial building block must be individual training complemented by the opportunity to develop and practice command skills at all levels. There must be sufficient individual courses, such as SCBC and
events to put into practice skills and knowledge taught at IBS and during company level training. This is the third collective capability building block.
The inability of the Army Reserve to deliver assured attendance is a risk to developing collective capability. Sufficient resources have been committed to relearning collective competencies but it is the responsibility of Army Reserve units to ensure they are used effectively to train a cadre of commanders to deliver FR2020. 6 RIFLES have worked to understand the level of competencies
of all its commanders and to ensure training is progressive and achievable.
PSBC, combined with enough opportunities to practise skills taught on these courses to develop collective capability. This is the one of the building blocks of collective capability.
Collective capability is delivered through well constructed and resourced collective training
The theme of progressive training has driven 6 RIFLES training programme and resulted
in a programme of progressive company
and battalion level training exercises which have been complemented by three OTXs (Germany and Cyprus (x2)). This has helped generate competent sections and platoons. The challenge is now to develop confident
Effective recruitment and retention of Riflemen
over the next 5 years will be key in redeveloping
collective capability. FR2020 is just that and
not FR2015; therefore a long term, campaign
approach to the development of collective capability must be taken. If the Army Reserve is to deliver effective CT2 trained sub-units capable of integrating with regular units for training and operations career management of our Riflemen at all levels is paramount. This is the second building block of collective capability.
commanders at all levels: we are moving in the right direction, but we are not there yet.
At the culmination of Ex LION STAR (Cyprus CT2 FTX) in May 2014, as the company group assaulted the final position, it was difficult to tell the difference between the regular and reserve Riflemen. It looked and felt like a regular company. However, it was very much an integrated regular-reserve company, the output of FR2020. There will be further challenges along the way but at this stage the Riflemen of 6 RIFLES have laid a marker in the sand: we are the TA no longer, but want to work alongside our regular counterparts as a competent, confident and robust partner. It will be fascinating to see how the next 5 years progress.
Collective training is a function of retention: well planned, resourced training is an aid to retention. Training must be delivered in the right manner to allow new commanders to practice their individual skills in a collective context. Commanders at all levels must be able to make mistakes and be given the opportunity to learn from them. 6 RIFLES training construct and culture allows commanders at all levels two opportunities during all major training
Ex LION STAR – Collective Capability
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