Page 199 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 199
News From Durham
Faithful Inkerman Dinner
1st November 2013 saw the Annual Dinner of The Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club at its usual venue of the Dubmire Royal British Legion Club in Fencehouses.
Sitting down to dinner were in excess of
Club representing RBL and Mr John Anderson, Secretary of the Dubmire Club by whose permission we are able to hold
150 members of the club, many of whom are members of the Durham Light Infantry Association which thrives still despite the gap of 46 years since the disbandment of the Durham Light Infantry.
the evening got off to a good start with the Revd Brian Rawson’s entertaining if irreverent graces
our dinner here tonight. Sadly three of
the invited guests Colonel Simon Furness, Major Ted Darwin and Brigadier Bob MacGregor-Oakford were unable to be present. After reading the Roll of the Fallen the evening got off to a good start with
the Revd Brian Rawson’s entertaining if irreverent graces.
Guests were Major Chris Lawton, The
Regimental Secretary Rifles Durham,
Major Mark Clayden (1 ITB, OC Inf Trg Coy, ITC), Capt John Lindley (1 ITB, ITC,) who hosted the DLI Assoc visitors to their pass-off parade in Sept, Mr Gordon Little, of the Dubmire
After an update of the Rifles Deployment by Maj Chris Lawton and another about the proposed DLI
Statue in Durham Market Place by Col Arthur Charlton, a toast to the club was proposed by the President Lt Col John Heron.
The Victoria Cross Stone Ceremony
Part of the annual ceremony at the Victoria Cross Stone, after the reading of the names of all the DLI Victoria Cross holders, is to give an account of one of the VC holders in greater detail. Over the years the President has moved down the roll of names, in order, from the first award to Pte John Byrne in 1857, through Captain Thomas de Courcy Hamilton, Sergeant John Murray, Pte Thomas Kenny, Michael William Lt (Temp Lt Col) Roland Boys Bradford, Pte Heavyside, 2Lt Frederick Youens, Pte Thomas Young and 2Lt Richard Wallace Annand. This year is was to be Pte Adam Wakenshaw who gained his Victoria Cross by his gallant defence of his position at Mersa Matruh
on 21st June 1942, using a 2 pounder anti-tank gun to attempt stem the German advance which was supported by tanks and artillery, which resulted in his death while loading a fifth round into his gun with one arm, the other having been shot off in the action.
However all this was thrust aside when 4 days before the ceremony we learned
The family of Pte John Byrne VC attend the DLI VC Stone Ceremony 2013
that a party of 12 relatives of Pte John Byrne were coming
from the Irish Republic
to the ceremony. Despite the fact the Pt John Byrne was not
to be celebrated until the 2014 ceremony, we thought it would
be discourteous not
to commemorate
John in 2013, so the service, including the presentation about Adam Wakenshaw had to be put aside and a
new one written about John Byrne. The relatives had a wonderful time, bringing
a flag from the area where they lived and also from which John Byrne had come and laying commemorative wreaths.
Also attending the ceremony were a platoon of Rifles Trainees under Lt Jeremy Heal from the Infantry Training Battalion at Catterick. The “Faithful” Inkerman Dinner Club feels it is important to give present day trainees knowledge of one of their predecessor units.
Rifles Recruits from ITC Catterick take part in The DLI VC Stone Ceremony
Adam Wakenshaw who gained his Victoria Cross by his gallant defence of his position

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