Page 201 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 201
150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gate Pa New Zealand 1854
These pictures show Bishop Helen- Ann from Durham conducting the military service; NZ and UK Navy personnel laying wreaths at the Gate Pa memorial at Greenwich; Major General David Cullen OBE ACGS laying a wreath at the 68th memorial; the march recreating that of General Cameron and his troops up (what is now) Cameron Road to the battle site and how the troops were disposed during the ceremony – the gun in the foreground is a replica Armstrong 6-pounder a number of which helped lay down the barrage at the battle.
President of the Students’ Representative Council of the College while a wreath
of poppies was laid by Major Donald McDonald President of the 8th & 11th Battalions the Durham Light Infantry Old Comrades Association.
After the Retreat the guests adjourned
to the Collier Room of the college for buffet and drinks while the ceremony the Old Comrades made their way to the Gilesgate TAVR Centre for their Annual Dinner. Led by their Chairman, Mr Ken Suddes, over 140 sat down to dinner. Guests were two present day students from the College of St Hild
and St Bede, and Major Chris Lawton MBE, Rifles Regimental Secretary Durham. A party from the ACF Band and Bugles provided some lively music throughout the meal, and a lively exposition of the Post Horn Gallop by the Bugle Major Derek Corbett.
South Tyneside’s Armed Force’s Parade took place in South Shields on Sunday 22nd June 2014, of course South Shields Branch of The Durham Light Infantry Association was marching with the Veteran’s Associations. Seventeen Branch members made up the contingent, which was made up of former members of all three services and the Merchant Navy.
The Parade was very warmly received all along the route, especially the veteran’s contingent by the encouragingly large crowd of spectators. On reaching Bents Park the parade was inspected by Col. Feggetter and The Mayor and this was followed by a short service. Last Post
and Reveille was sounded by three of South Shields Branch Buglers Capt. Gerry Christie, Mr David Evans and Mr Kevin Smith.
The Parade and Fun-day had been jointly organised
Armed Forces Parade - South Shields
We assembled at Gypsies Green Stadium on South Shields sea front at 0900hrs. In the next hour members of 205 Bty (101 Med
Regt) RA VR, A Coy
Durham ACF, The
Sea Cadet Corps
and The Air Training
Corps assembled
and formed up and
ready to march
off at 1000hrs. Just before march off
the thunder-like sound of scores of motorbikes belonging to The Badlanders Motorcycle Club roared past on their way to the display area.
The Command was given and the parade set off along Sea Road led by The Band and Bugles of Durham ACF. The familiar sound of Mechanised Infantry and several more recognisable marches kept the very impressive looking body of marching personnel in step all the way to the parade’s destination of Bents Park. The Eyes Left was given at the saluting dais. The Salute being taken jointly by Her Majesty’s Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Tyne & Wear Colonel J G W Feggetter
TD DL and The Mayor of South Tyneside Councillor Fay Cunningham who looked resplendent in her Scarlet Robes and tri-corn hat. Councillor Cunningham being no stranger to our Branch, having joined us for our Visit to the grave of Pte. Adam Wakenshaw VC at Alamein Military Cemetery in 2011.
by South Tyneside Council, South Tyneside Military Forum and The Badlanders Motorcycle Club. The event’s primary
function was to celebrate Armed Forces Day the fun-day is designed to raise funds for the Help For Heroes charity. Last year over £7000.00 was raised and the crowds weren’t as big owing to the poor weather so this year’s figure could well top that.
The Fun-day activities included static displays from 205 Bty with their Multi Launch Rocket System, Durham ACF, there was a ‘Mini’ Zip Wire, Military Forum Tent, all the motorcycles that had thundered past earlier, choirs and of course a beer tent.
Branch President Lieut. Col. (Ret’d) John Davis who sits on The Military Forum said “It was nice to see a good turnout from The Branch and the parade went
off very well. The public support was encouraging and very important, not just to keep the Armed Forces in the public eye but to raise much needed money for a very worthy cause”.
Of course the weather played its part in making the day such a success and we all look forward to next year’s event.
The Parade was very warmly received all along the route
140 Members of the 8th/11th OCA DLI adjourn to the Gilesgate Armoury for their Annual Dinner

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