Page 15 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 15

                After a busy year deployed on Op Tosca 30, followed by some well- deserved leave, 3/29 (Corunna) Bty faced the exciting challenge in March of returning to their core role with a deploy- ment on the Regimental Exercise SUN- DERLAND DAGGER (EX SD) to Otterburn. The Battery reformed into three troops, Chalmers, Falklands and Burma.
In the lead up to the exercise, 3/29 Bty undertook troop level training on the air- field with everybody from the newest gun- ner to the BC involved. At the end of the training, the Bty came together to test and rehearse missions with all key elements. Detachment commanders from all three troops enabled by the BQMS and MT departments, deployed the guns, com- mand post, safety party, fire support teams and joint fires cell within the confines of camp and back door training area.
FST personnel utilised the virtual battel simulator (VBS) to send missions to the CP. Data was then produced, checked by safety, and passed to the gun line. The whole week was hugely beneficial and key to ensuring success as we returned to role.
On 6th March we headed north to Otter- burn Training Area for EX SD, the Regi- ment’s live firing CT 1 and 2 exercise. This promised three weeks in the field culmi- nating in a brigade live fire exercise for a further week. With nearly the entire month of March on exercise and a busy sched- ule ahead, each member of the Bty would have ample opportunity to showcase their talent. Shortly after arriving in Otterburn camp, and in typical gun line fashion, detachments headed out the gate in sup-
port of some of the other Bty’s tactical group’s live firing.
In adverse weather consisting of high winds and rain, the gun positions soon turned to deep mud. With gaiters therefore
deployed; the CP, echelon and the gun line were put to the test right away providing fires for the 3/29 TAC group and JTACs to continue their training, honing the skills in each FST and Joint Fires Cell.
A week into the exercise, the guns and TAC came together to conduct the BC’s live fire training and confirm that 3/29 Battery were progressing well. Subsequently, the Bty conducted battlegroup level fire plans, multi Battery engagements and CBRN missions all within the wrap of an exercise scenario. This allowed everyone from the BC and his TAC Group, to the Gun Line, CP and Echelon to understand, plan and execute the manoeuver arm commander’s intent who, in this instance, was the Com- manding officer.
The Mayor of Sunderland, Cllr David Snowdon and Mayoress Dianne Snow- don chose one of the drier days to visit the gun line and really enjoyed talking to the soldiers from the Bty. After a challenging few weeks, the Regimental phase of the exercise concluded with Battlegroup fire planning.
The Regiment was then due to roll into the Brigade phase of the exercise but, unfortu- nately, this was cut short due to COVID-19.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery

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