Page 14 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 14
In February, the gun group of 3/29 (Corunna) Battery complete with six guns deployed to Otterburn Training Area
in order to support 5th Regiment Royal Artillery on Exercise Swale Raptor. The Battery spent the first few days on small arms ranges and conducting rehearsals, in order to ensure the guns were ready, despite not having fired for close to a year. Over the course of the exercise, the Bat- tery fired close to two thousand rounds, allowing 5th Regiment to put its Surveil- lance and Target Acquisition (STA) capa- bilities to the test.
After establishing itself in the gun posi- tion, the Battery fired for the MAMBA radar operators of K (Hondeghem) Battery whose capabilities allow them to locate enemy artillery and then adjust fire in order to destroy them. Having not fired for close to a year and with many fresh faces, the Battery was forced to remaster its trade fast. The first round of the day saw the Bat- tery firing with all six guns for perhaps the first time in over a decade!
On the second day of the exercise, it was the turn of 4/73 (Sphynx) Battery to test its observers. This day saw the guns firing until midnight on varied missions including danger close and coordinated illumina- tion. The following day was devoted to fire planning and saw more than 500 rounds of HE fired. The gun line, once again mas- ters of their trade, evidently enjoyed itself, as many audible cheers were often heard following orders such as “18 rounds fire for effect”. During a busy fire plan, involv- ing mortars and support weapons, 4/73 Bty was kind enough to allow some new members of the Battery to have a go firing GPMGs and HMGs. Even after the clos-
4th Regiment Royal Artillery Ex SWALE RAPTOR
ing of the ranges for the day much work remained to be done; the salvage associ- ated with 500 rounds was considerable and the Battery’s Echelon worked tire- lessly to remove it.
Next to make use of the guns was 93 (Le Cateau) Battery, whose HALO system uses the sound of enemy batteries fir- ing to locate them and accurately direct friendly artillery against them. This system has a crucial role on the battlefield when it comes to protecting the guns from those of an enemy, it was therefore valuable for both to integrate and train together. The Battery enjoyed training with their 5th Regiment counterparts and between mis- sions showed them the operation of the guns.
All ammunition was expended by the end of the week and 3/29 Battery returned to Alanbrooke Barracks after successfully supporting their fellow gunners. It was apparent to all watching the final mission of the week, that the Battery had made enormous progress. The ultimate measure of success, the speed at which the guns can load and fire, spoke volumes as to the hard work of every member of the Battery.
3/29 Battery now looks forward to putting itself to the test once again of Ex Wessex Storm.