Page 31 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 31

                4th Regiment Royal Artillery
    to complete a minimum of one lap or a maximum of 5 laps within the 24 hours at their own pace. Initially we were faced with 2 challenges; the demands of Op RESCRIPT, supporting the mobile testing units, and ensuring that those participat- ing could maintain social distancing whilst also having the appropriate safety meas- ures in place for an endurance event. The SSI devised the final plan that would see soldiers running in pairs as a minimum, booking out through a central admin tent whilst also staying 2m apart. The decision was made the event would be run from
1500 on the 21st July to 1500 on the 22nd July. The BSM managed the G4 and admin organisation, whilst Sgt
Blackburn and Sgt Eason liaised with the charities and rounded up volunteers.
The response from the Battery was fantas- tic, with everyone from medics and chefs to the MT and Command Troop volunteer- ing their time to run laps or provide admin support. In the end around 50 people put their names down, with several more turn- ing up and joining groups in the course of the event. A special mention must be given to Sgt Springett (RLC), who not only volunteered to run, but also manned a field kitchen for the duration of the event, sus- taining runners at all hours. The Battery also received strong support from York Mind who provided banners, flags and running vests and BFBS Catterick who helped spread the word about what we were doing.
The morning of the 21st arrived and the Battery set up the admin area and the SSI conducted the safety
brief ensuring everyone was ready to begin. At 1500 the CO, Lt Col Hakes, and RSM, WO1 Hilton, started the first lap. Groups then set off every 20 minutes after that to ensure a continuous chain was maintained. Into the night the runners continued, with music pumping from the admin tent, a good atmosphere developed regardless of sore muscles and fatigue. The Battery received great support from families and friends throughout. The initial aim was to raise £500 for each of the chari- ties however by the early morning on the 22nd this had been reached. By the end of the event we had raised £715 for York Mind and £618 for Forever Fourth. Throughout the event all the runners met their tim- ings ensuring the chain was maintained, with the CO and RSM finishing the final lap at 1500 to bring the event to a close. To celebrate the completion of the event and exceeding our goal, the Battery had a socially distant coffee and cake, and the CO used the occasion to promote Bdr Owens to Sgt.

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