Page 40 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 40
2019/20 has been another busy period for the AGC(SPS) Detachment, 4th Regiment Royal Artillery delivering G1
support for several taskings which include Op TOSCA, Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER, Op RESCRIPT and WP20.
The Regiment deployed on Op TOSCA Feb 19 to Aug 19 with the majority of the AGC detachment. Following the motto ‘work hard, play hard’ the Det Comd, Capt Percy, ensured there were opportunities to attend AT activities and social events whilst deployed.
WO2 Kirk commanded the ROG whilst preparing to leave the Army after 22 years’ service. Sgt Wintersgill, Regt Acct, and Cpl Latham, iHub, were posted into the unit during this time and represented the detachment in the 1X Inter-Sports compe- tition, taking part in events such as Foot- ball, Three-legged race and Tug of War finishing in third place.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery
AGC (SPS) Detachment
On the units return to Topcliffe the AGC detachment worked hard to complete reverse RACs, POSM and M&T for all deployed soldiers. The Regiment finished the deployment with a Medals parade and a homecoming party attended by unit per- sonnel and their families.
On return from Christmas leave in Jan 2020 work was underway to prepare for Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER whilst also utilising some time for Det cohesion to welcome new members of the detach- ment on the local go karting course and climbing walls.
COVID 19 brought new challenges to G1, unprecedented levels of MACA taskings and with them policy/JPA updates and adapting to a new working environment. During dispersed readiness learning con- tinued with online DLE courses includ- ing MATTs and remote meeting/physical training sessions. When it was time to deploy soldiers on tasks such as Mobile Testing Units the detachment had to adapt to providing readiness checks under FHP measures and ensuring a multitude of allowances were administered on behalf of deployed personnel.
Outside of normal business AGC per- sonnel have still been able to complete a number of courses such as ALDP ME (Sgt Robinson), PTI (LCpl Rai) DTTT (LCpl Rai, LCpl Kaunda) ETL (LCpl Kaunda) First Aid at Work (LCpl Gurung) and Team Medic (LCpl Gurung). There has also been the opportunity to congratulate SSgt Mans- field on her promotion to WO2 and Pte Harewood on her promotion to LCpl.
In short, the detachment has had a busy period, with another one undoubtedly to come as the Regiment adjusts itself to various tasks and roles. The article is just a small overview of what the detachment’s soldiers have got involved in outside of their normal job. They switch from pre- paring soldiers for exercise or operations
to COVID testing, to competing in inter- sports at the drop of a hat. A force surely to be reckoned with.
Postings in: Maj Tomlinson (RAO), WO2 Walker (RAWO), SSgt Sandbach (FSA), Cpl Redhead, Cpl Rome, LCpl Rai, LCpl Gurung, Pte Black, Pte Harewood, Pte Zemah Zemoh.
Postings out: WO2 Kirk, Cpl Beale (22 Years’ Service), SSgt Mansfield (on pro- motion), Cpl Jefferson, (on promotion), Cpl Latham (transfer to RAF) and Cpl Vickers.
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