Page 8 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 8

                4th Regiment Royal Artillery Battery Commander’s Foreword
  What the Battery has achieved over the last two years has been noth- ing short of remarkable. The last two years has seen service personnel from the Battery deploy overseas to Cyprus on Op TOSCA 30, Afghanistan on Op TORAL, the United States on Ex WARFIGHTER, Germany in support of the Royal Lanc- ers Battlegroup and Kenya on Ex ASKARI STORM. Back home, the Battery converted to armour, deployed to Otterburn on Regi- mental Exercise and supported the Divi- sional Reconnaissance Battle Group on Ex GAUNTLET STRIKE and CERBERUS before converting back to light role.
The soldiers’ response to the global COVID-19 pandemic has been our proud- est achievement. Service personnel from across the Battery were stood up, at very short notice, and deployed in response to the Regimental commitment to Op RESCRIPT. Our soldiers were deployed in teams to the North of England where they established mobile testing units and delivered thousands of COVID tests to the local communities. Working amongst the population, they were in their element. In November 2020, they deployed again, this time to Liverpool to facilitate the mass test- ing across the city. A truly inspiring effort.
Notwithstanding our commitments to Op RESCRIPT, 6/36 Bty have invested heav- ily in our workforce. Soldiers have com- pleted trade training courses, saluting gun courses, instructional courses, arduous training courses, taken part in the Army Leadership Development Programme, enrolled on Open University courses, language courses and adventure training courses.
The Battery has seen a considerable churn of personnel over the last 24 months. Maj Fewster-Neale completed her tenure as
Major James Forsey RA
 Battery Commander; Capts’ Lewis and Speechley handed over to Capts’ Lindsay- Bayley and Harvey and Capt Forrester will leave us in the summer to assume the appointment of Adjutant 106 (Y) Regt RA after handing over to Capt Hay. Sgt Lloyd handed over BC’s Ack to Sgt Hird; Bdr Dallow posted to 3/29 (CORUNNA) Bty on promotion to Sgt to assume the role of BC’s Ack; Bdr Exelby and LBdr Smith posted out to 88 (ARRACAN) Bty and 129 (DRAGONS) Bty respectively and we wel- comed Bdr Lomax on promotion from 129 (DRAGONS) Bty and Bdr Johnman from AFC (H). A huge congratulations also goes to the plethora of soldiers promoted within the Battery to LBdr and Bdr – a fantastic achievement.
The next twelve months provides plenty of opportunity for 6/36 Battery. Recently aligned to 1 PWRR Battle Group, the Bat- tery look forward to integrating with the Battalion throughout 2021 and deploying
with them to Kenya on Ex ASKARI STORM 5/21 before assuming JEF Light Brigade Readiness in 2022. The Battery also has a fantastic opportunity to support the Gren- adier Guards Battlegroup for a Task Force HANNIBAL commitment on Ex ASKARI STORM 3/21. We also look forward to welcoming a fleet of PANTHER vehicles to the Battery in 2021 and embracing the challenges associated with operating, manoeuvring and fighting from a mecha- nised platform.
I am exceptionally proud of all members of 6/36 (ARCOT 1751) Battery. Their ability to adapt at short notice to conditions outside of their control has been outstanding. The professionalism, commitment and dedica- tion of the soldiers has ensured that the Battery has met every challenge head on and delivered at every stage.
We may be small in numbers, but we have huge ambition. The Mighty Arcots.
Testing for Covid at an MTU
Capt Harvey
 The second deployment on Op RESCRIPT saw service person- nel from within the Battery deploy to Liverpool as part of the Covid Sup- port Force under 3/29 Battery. LBdr Robertson was one of our soldiers who deployed and who was awarded a 1 YORKS Commanding Officers’ Com- mendation for his outstanding work and leadership qualities whilst deployed. A fantastic achievement and one to be exceptionally proud of – really well done.
LBdr Robertson with his 1 YORKS Commanding Officers’ Commendation
Covid testing

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