Page 9 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 9

                  In Jan 2020, 6/36 Battery rerolled to armour (CVR(T)) and aligned to the Royal Lancers Battlegroup (RLBG); an
alignment that would culminate with a six-month deployment to Estonia on Op CABRIT ROTO 9 (Oct 21). Unfortunately, the RLBG were reassigned in Aug 20 and the Battery would no longer be deploying to Estonia.
Ex MONS LANCER saw the Battery deploy, in two phases to Germany. The first phase saw the JFC and BC’s TAC deploy to conduct MCAST (Mini Combined Arms Staff Trainer). The second phase saw the FSTs’ deploy to CATT (Combined Arms Tactical Trainer).
The first stage of MCAST saw the JFC and BC’s Tac heavily engaged with the RLBG HQ and being put through their paces conducting the combat estimate and integrating fires expertise and knowledge into the planning process. Whilst this was going ahead, the other members of the JFC were conducting training inside the JFC, feeding the estimate process with fires advice whilst improving our own digi- tal ways of working.
The Second phase of the exercises was conducted at CATT. This saw the delivery of Orders from the first phase of the exer- cise and the execution of the BGHQ plan.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery Ex MONS LANCER
Bdr Wilson
Capt Lewis on Ex SD 20
The Battery integrated 3x FSTs with the RL squadrons with the JFC coordinated the execute and allocating fire assets to each of the FSTs. The FST practiced providing constant updates to the JFC to ensure the JFC had the broadest awareness of how the battle was progressing and could advise the BG Commander accordingly. The FSTs used this training opportunity to update the JFC by both voice and data communications, both of which are critical
Capt Speechley and his FST getting some much needed head down
for artillery systems to be utilised effec- tively across the battlefield.
Ex MONS LANCER prepared the Bat- tery exceptionally well for the impending deployment to BATUS Canada, which would have been the RLBG’s CT 4 valida- tion. Unfortunately, due COVID, BATUS was cancelled and the BGHQ did not get the opportunity to deploy.
   In January 2021, a Regimental effort saw a fast-paced deployment to Okehamp- ton Camp on Exercise SUNDERLAND
LEADER 21, the Regiments first delivery of the Army Leadership Development Programme (ALDP). This saw several of our Battery personnel deploy as students, with Bdr Harrison and myself deploying as instructors.
The JNCOs ALDP was a continuation of what they had been taught on their PNCO course and continued to develop their skills as JNCOs. The ALDP aimed to test the students in commanding a Section in and out of contact, the Seven Questions Estimate and the delivery of Orders and overall Command and Control of subor- dinates whilst in command appointment. After a brutal five days of in-camp lessons and PT, both courses deployed on Exercise SUNDERLAND WANDERER; a multistage navigation exercise, seeing the students navigating and tabbing across Dartmoor Training Area. Throughout this exercise,
Capt Harvey
the students would have to complete sev- eral command tasks over challenging and complex terrain and below Zero tempera- tures!
Another quick turnaround saw the stu- dents deploy on the final five-day exercise of the ALDP; Exercise SUNDERLAND FINALE. This saw the JNCO students deploy into the only woodblock on Dart- moor – a truly horrendous experience after weeks of rain had fallen in the area. However, the students got stuck in, and after tabbing through a swollen river, full of morale, they occupied a harbour area.
The PNCO Course deployed into a FOB and quickly began conducting offensive operations to begin pushing the enemy away from their area of operations. Con- ducting Section attacks was a new expe- rience for many, but all on the PNCO Course began developing their fieldcraft and tactical skills well under the watchful eye of Bombardier Harrison.
A very wet LBdr Wheeler on the ALDP

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