Page 15 - Chiron Calling Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 15
scenarios we ran involved a dog drowning in a river. The handlers pulled the (fake) dog up the bank, ran through their <C>ABCs (Catastrophic bleeding, Airway, Breathing,
so can begin chest compressions straight away. Every 2 minutes, they check again; the dog is either breathing or it isn’t; there is a pulse, or there isn’t. They can physically
under the
watch of the
VO running the
scenario and he
told them that
the dog wasn’t
breathing. They
started CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), checking every 2 minutes for a response – feeling
for a pulse and looking for signs of breathing. Because the dog we were using lacked interactive features, the VO had to tell them what they were feeling or seeing at each check.
Now picture the same scenario with a K9 Diesel. The handlers pull the Diesel away from the danger and do their <C>ABC checks. They can easily see the dog isn’t breathing,
see and feel whether the dog has responded to their actions. The VO, or whoever is running the scenario, doesn’t need to
say anything; they just stand back and adjust the settings as needed, creating a much more immersive experience. Out in the field, the handlers aren’t going to have a VO standing over their shoulder telling them what the respiratory or pulse rate is. They’re going to need to find that out for themselves and learn how to respond in that situation.
This is where the K9 Diesel becomes an invaluable piece of kit. The scenarios become dynamic in
...they just stand back and adjust the settings as needed, creating a much more immersive experience
a way that wasn’t possible before, adding in a level of realism that can only help in building confidence
in veterinary first aid skills. The addition of the K9 Diesels is
vital in ensuring the continuing development of those responsible for maintaining the health of our MWDs.
And it’s really funny to see someone jump when you make the K9 Diesel bark.
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