Page 18 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Monte Vettore – “Mount Victor”
   The hills above Garulla
On September 9th, 2019, 10 Riflemen from
2 RIFLES landed in Italy. Their goal was
to complete the Anello dei Sibillini trail,
a 100km route snaking its way along dirt tracks, ancient medieval roads, logging paths and animal trails through the Apennine Mountains of Italy. The trail lies within the Sibillini National Park, straddling the Umbria and Marche regions. It boasts untamed wilderness, some soaring peaks, a rich history and culture, and incredibly hospitable people.
The team was composed of Lt Lagana (OIC) 2Lt Kingdon (2IC) Cpl Miles (Medic) and Rfn Gerrard, Jarrett, Phillips, Thapa, and Pay. Rfn Gardiner and Shah Thakuri accompanied the expedition as support drivers. During the exercise phase, the team would hike with light scales throughout the day, then rendezvous with the support crew every evening at a predesignated campsite.
The first leg took the Riflemen from the village of Cupi to the town of Fiastra, a short but challenging trip as lungs adapted to unfa- miliar altitudes and legs to unfamiliar inclines. The team overnighted at a campsite on the shore of Lake Fiastra. Having collapsed the camp, they then climbed back into the hills for a long day which saw them complete nearly 30km of mountain trails before dipping down to the village of Garulla, where they over- nighted outside a Rifugio (mountain lodge). The following day was the most arduous of the route, a gruelling 30km trek which saw the group cross a series of rolling foothills.
18 RIFLES The Bugle
Evening saw the Riflemen camped in Colle di Montegallo, where they had the opportunity to sample the excellent local cuisine. After a refreshing night’s sleep the team moved on
to their next stop, completing a deservedly short leg culminating in their designated campsite, the Rifugio Belvedere, a log cabin commanding spectacular views of the surrounding mountains, nestled halfway up the mighty Monte Vettore. A chance encounter with some local fellow hikers at the rifugio (including a former soldier of the Bersaglieri, Italy’s own Riflemen) led to a very pleasant evening of shared food and awkwardly translated stories.
The following morning the team embarked on the final leg of their journey, 20km of high mountain trails meandering their way to almost double the height of Snowdon. From this stunning mountain pass the Riflemen descended to the village of Campi Vecchio and from there to the nearby town of Caldarola, where they enjoyed a truly spectacular meal (including a chance to sample wild boar for the first time). Overall, a very successful expe- dition which saw the team complete 100km of trails over 4 days, with over 4000m of elevation gain among some truly stunning vistas.
Lt Lagana
Expedition Leader
        The team: L-R 2Lt Kingdon, Rfn Gerrard, Rfn Pay, Rfn Jarrett,
Asking for volunteers meant that all Riflemen involved were motivated, driven, and fighting for a spot
  Rfn Thapa, Rfn Phillips, Lt Lagana

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