Page 46 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 46

                                                                                                                                                            COMMANDING OFFICER’S OVERVIEW
This year was always going to be an Operationally-focussed one, where the 8th Battalion began to earn its place in the Order of Battle. As the Army’s youngest Infantry Bn, our attention has switched from the ‘quick-wins’ of formation, to maturing our light role capability, collective identity and confidence. This has not been easy; the past 12 months have required creative solutions from our thinking-fighting Riflemen to continue to build credible mass, quality output and regional influence throughout the Midlands and the North.
Using the Battlecraft Syllabus as a planning handrail, the first half of the year focussed on conventional Platoon tactics, enhancing individual fieldcraft skills and building Company cohesion. This training culminated in two Annual Deployment Exercises - the first, a deployment to Ballykinler, working with 2 RIFLES, delivering much-needed qualifications in range safety and trade training ranging from Driving cadres through to HR Specialist quals. The second, saw 107 Riflemen deploy to the Triglav National Park, Slovenia in October. Operating under a Coy-level mountainous exercise construct with the superbly hardened Slovenian Armed Forces Mountain Regiment, the Battalion had a much needed workout of all its departments in the planning, deploy- ment and safe recovery of our people.
The second half-year was equally conventional, with Coy-level BCS training and a Bn Operational Shooting Competition, with HQ Coy providing something of a whitewash. In parallel, we successfully mobilised 15 Riflemen into 2 RIFLES for Op TORAL 10 pre-deployment training just prior to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The launch of Op RESCRIPT provided
an excellent opportunity to stress-test our ability to generate critical mass in support of national resilience, with a formed sub-unit and Bn HQ offered up as a COVID Support Force to JMC(NE). Although we were not subsequently used in large numbers, three 8 RIFLES officers remain mobilised in Yorkshire and County Durham-based MLO roles, continuing to co-ordinate local resilience efforts, whilst quietly influencing our regional partners and stakeholders.
With the implementation of COVID-19 protection measures, training under lockdown was severely limited from Mar-Jul, revering
to almost entirely virtual means. This has not been without challenge in upskilling the Bn to use videoconferencing and remote learning tools as routine business. Pleasingly, our
46 RIFLES The Bugle
Riflemen have leaned into the ‘new normal’ and grasped the opportunity for self-development, undoubtedly helping the Battalion to move forwards when blended learning is becoming an expectation, rather than the exception.
With some sadness, it would be remiss
of me not to note the tragic loss of Captain Gary ‘Gaz’ Case MBE and most recently, Pte Amy-Leanne Stringfellow. Both will be missed greatly by every member of the Battalion and the wider Regiment.
Through the determination and tireless efforts of our Riflemen, and despite the ongoing tensions of COVID-19, 8 RIFLES remains buoyant, used and useful. At the time of writing we have a further three Riflemen deploying with 5 RIFLES on Op CABRIT, and we are looking forward to a busy Autumn battlecraft training program.
Re-shaping the remainder of 2020 to surge both recruitment activity and course qualify our frontline commanders after a ‘lost’ summer, we will set the foundations for a very busy 2021, where we hope to build our Support Weapons capability and support 2 RIFLES on two major exercises.
Lt Col M A Laverick
 Members of 8 RIFLES enjoy some ‘relaxing’ AT
    Pleasingly, our Riflemen have leaned into the ‘new normal’ and grasped the opportunity for self-development
       Ever since D (RIFLES) Company was estab- lished in 2007, it has held an inter-platoon Patrols competition named Ex PROUD BUGLE. The tasks and activities may have varied over time, but the friendly rivalry between the different locations remained strong throughout the time spent as part of 5RRF.
After 8 RIFLES was established as a battalion in 2017, the newly formed D and Y Companies wished to continue this tradition, and so Ex Proud Bugle was expanded to incor- porate the entire battalion in January 2020.
The Saturday started in the dark with an issue of ammo and other stores, before teams set off on foot to their first stand. Each 4-man team was expected to conduct a series of quite challenging stands around the Catterick Training Area, as well as tabbing approximately 20km over the 36hr period.
Stands ranged from Land Rover recovery and setting up an 8m mast, to a fire-team attack and a CQB lane using simunition. Each Coy delivered at least two of the stands to make it a truly battalion wide effort.
Following a brief admin phase on Saturday evening, orders were given for a series of overnight recce patrols, with patrol reports and sketch maps adding to the team scores but

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