Page 64 - Bugle Issue 16 Autumn 2020
P. 64

   The RGJ Band Memorial - Regents Park
Greater London – Update
It will not surprise anyone to hear that, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), much of our planned activity in support of the 5 Pillars, especially the ACF Cadets, from early to mid-2020 had to be cancelled. Notwithstanding we have, nevertheless, seen innovative activity by and in support of the five pillars, ranging from attendance at various Lord Mayors “social distance” or “virtual” Armed Forces Day and VE and VJ Day events. OC ROG 7 RIFLES valiantly represented the Regiment at various such events in London due to the absence in Cyprus, on UN duties, of the bulk of his battalion.
We were due to support three London area ACF Summer Camps all of which had to be called off. These camps are the highlight of a cadet’s year and a very good “recruiter” for new cadets. Undeterred by Lockdown the London ACF Sectors did
a lot of “virtual” training not only for their adult instructors but also their senior cadets. Observing this virtual training from the side-lines one cannot but admire how computer literate the young are and what efforts are made by the adult staff to engage with the cadets. The MOD recruiters might look at these keen and adept young people for their much-heralded future “Cyber Warfare” units!!
Two Mayor Making ceremonies attended by the author were certainly different as they were conducted by ZOOM. It seems that some training is still required all round in the use of the mute button!
Socially it has been a very fallow period with the cancellation of the annual RIFLES Officers Club Dinner at Guildhall on 17
July followed the next day by the cancellation of the Rifleman’s Gathering at Allianz Park.
COVID-19 or no COVID-19, but observing all restrictions in force - even if they are uncomfortable, the branch mustered a good turnout at the Regent’s Park Bandstand to commemorate the 1st Battalion The Royal Green Jackets Bandsmen who were killed and injured by a IRA terrorist bomb under the Bandstand on 20 July 1982
Looking to the near future, and COVID-19 restrictions hopefully eased, there is a plan being hatched for a (free) Concert by the Band and Bugles of The Rifles in the Guards Chapel in London Wellington Barracks on Thursday 10 Dec. Wait out for details on SWIFT.
J-D v M
 Bramalls Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LONDON BRANCH – RGJ ASSOCIATION
 Owing to the recent COVID-19 epidemic and lockdown, we have had to postpone most of our annual events this year. They included the day trip to the World War II Regimental Memorial for the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, Rifle Brigade and Queen Victoria’s Rifles, a ceremonial wreath laying service in Calais held in May. Our Veterans Day Lunch held
in London in June, The RGJ Reunion in Winchester in July and a battlefield Tour of Normandy in September.
However, we did manage to ensure that the annual wreath laying ceremony at the bandstand at Regents Park took place. This Parade commemorates the 38th Anniversary of the terrorist bombing which happened on
the 20th July 1982 at this bandstand. The regi- mental band of the 1st Battalion Royal Green Jackets, were playing a lunch time concert to the approx. 120 members of the public all sat on deckchairs enjoying a medley of songs from Oliver, when at 12:55pm a bomb exploded from under the bandstand. Six bandsmen were killed instantly and one two weeks later from his injuries.
A positive thing to come out of the recent lockdown was that our London Branch Secretary Gary Driscoll, was able to get his new bar built at the back of his garden! It is named “Bramalls”, after the late Field Marshal Lord Bramall. It will be the ideal venue for future committee meetings.
 64 RIFLES The Bugle

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