Page 34 - Example Journals
P. 34
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons 2015
ttest and best tools, and B Sqn were absolutely no different. Overall, there was great utility in this sharing of international reconnaissance knowledge and experience, especially considering the Ukrainian Army at the time was gaining operational experi- ence and learning vital lessons in the east.
There were some notable performances on RAPID TRIDENT. Upon arrival in Ukraine the entire party was stunned by LCpl Keen’s uent Ukrainian, although on closer examination it turned out just to be his own version of English. Sgt Dyke became famous, appearing in Soldier magazine wearing a traditional Ukrainian brimless sun hat, at the same time gaining favour with RHQ, who were delighted to have such an ‘ally’ SNCO represent- ing the Regiment (at least I think they were delighted...). 2Lt Stewart continued the diplomatic offensive he began in Slovenia, studiously investigating the underlying risk from the honey trap threat. Finally, the counter-intelligence team were thrilled with the highly convincing tramp disguise LCpl Price used for travel- ling to and from Ukraine. A promising future in HUMINT awaits.
Although Ex JEBEL SAHARA was predominantly a C and HQ Sqn commitment, B Sqn were fortunate to be involved by attaching 2nd Tp to C Sqn, under the master craftsmanship of Lt Gubbins and Sgt Short, and very ably assisted by crew com- manders Cpls Russell and Thomson. The B Sqn contingent per- formed extremely strongly and did B Sqn proud. Meanwhile, in other parts of Morocco, Lt Barkes led a demanding Adventurous Training expedition to the Atlas Mountains with a predominantly B Sqn team. This was well-supported by Sgt Delaney, who worked very hard to get his Summer Mountain Leader quali cation, only to be let down by course availability at the nal hurdle.
Meanwhile, the remainder of B Sqn enjoyed a short notice (very – about 90 mins!) trip to Bassingbourn to help look after the Libyan
contingent in the UK for Op VOCATE prior to their return home. However, much to their disappointment, the team was not called upon to rugby tackle mischievous Libyans seeking to jump the fence. But they did get to enjoy a late nish on the Friday.
The year also involved some fantastic sporting achievements. The Nordic ski team was heavily lled with B Sqn talent, in particu- lar Tpr Baxter, who was talented enough to attract the attention of the National Development Squad coaches. Alpine skiing had representation in the form of Cpl Oldham. Tpr Phillip spent the year continuing to climb to the position of one of the RAC’s best sportsmen, playing cricket and football at both RAC and Army levels. There was also strong B Sqn representation on the victori- ous Cavalry Cup football team from SSgt Dawkins, LCpl Fox and Tprs Jukes, Phillip and McDonnell. The Sqn PTI element of Sgt Delaney, Cpl Cotterill and LCpl Burdett did a great job of keeping us t throughout the year, but failed spectacularly at their ‘People’s PTI’ test. Oddly, despite being very new to B Sqn, no one dares to criticise Cpl Cotterill’s sessions – it’s almost as though he has some sort of connection to people in Regimental high places...
In other training news, 2Lt Tibbitts completed his Troop Leaders’ Course and immediately went on to get his A quali cation for ranges (last seen playing the role of Field Marshall Tibbitts in Lydd). Cpls Richardson and Dunleavy put in very strong per- formances on SCBC, proving that Lt Cav soldiers can not only keep up, but actually excel when compared to the infantry at dis- mounted skills. Cpl Scammell completed his Signals Instructors’ Course, and thanks to the referendum vote no longer risks being conscripted into the Defence Force of the Glorious People’s Socialist Republic of Scotland. Finally, a PNCO cadre took place that saw LCpls Maguire and Burdett and Tpr Briddick in the top three spots. Great performances all round, and apologies to any- one I’ve missed – the whole Squadron has worked damned hard.
Tpr Sygrove providing force protection to a Ukrainian BTR-80
B Sqn with the Lithuanian and American contingents on Ex RAPID TRIDENT