Page 45 - Example Journals
P. 45

The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 9
Loading for the sail to Emden
of equipment from storage to enable this deployment also gave both 1 and 3 Divisions the opportunity to practice elements of the Army Readiness Order. It also supported the more general preparation of the operational  eet for readiness.
The three week  eld exercise was designed jointly with the Poles. It consisted of live  re (AFV and small arms), integrated bilateral training, battlegroup level dry training and culminated with two Distinguished Visitor’s Days; the former a Polish VIP day and the latter a more UK focussed event involving a joint live  re demonstration and parade. In addition to  eld training, a num- ber of cultural integration events were held, including a Polish Independence Day parade (with church service) and a local open day. Further a eld, cultural trips took the vast majority of troops to Stalag Luft III, East Wall and Auschwitz.
The majority of soldiers returned to the UK late November with the remainder returning their vehicles to storage in Germany. By the 5th December all but a gallant few still in Germany were reunited with their respective units. The experience; from con- ception to execution and redeployment was a rewarding one and every member of the Battlegroup can re ect on a job very well done, with many new Polish friends made.
Challenger 2 arriving in Poland
The Commanding Of cer and his Polish counterpart
The Battlegroup deployed on Ex BLACK EAGLE

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