Page 34 - Thrapston Life February 2023
P. 34

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A mixture of mushrooms, including porcini, gives this soup an intensive flavour and a deep mushroom colour. This soup can be made a couple of days beforehand and kept refrigerated, then heated through.
until transparent, but not browned. Add
the mixed and chestnut mushrooms, season and cook for 3-4 minutes. Drain the porcini mushrooms, reserving the liquid, and add these to the casserole. Pour in the vegetable stock and the porcini liquid.
Bring the contents to the boil, simmer for
5 minutes and add more water if necessary. Transfer to the simmering oven for 30-40 minutes until the mushrooms are tender. Allow the soup to cool before placing in a food processor – you may need to do this in two batches – whizz until very smooth. Reheat the soup, at the same time sauté the reserved mushrooms in a little butter until golden. Serve with a swirl of cream, top with a sautéed mushroom, and scatter with chopped parsley.
30g packet dried porcini mushrooms 25g butter
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, grated
900g mixed mushrooms, save a few for garnish 250g chestnut mushrooms, quartered
Salt and pepper
500ml vegetable stock
250ml porcini liquid (from soaking the porcini) To finish: few saved mushrooms, double cream, chopped parsley
1. Pour warm water over the porcini mushrooms and leave for 30 minutes
to rehydrate. Melt the butter in an AGA Cast-Iron Casserole and gently fry off the onion and garlic on the simmering plate
 Recipe from: Alexandra Dibble

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