Page 82 - Cavalry Regiment
P. 82
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
C Squadron – The Legion
Annus mirabilis! 2019 was busy and richly rewarding for The Legion. One multi- national CT3 overseas training exercise, two
squadron leaders, three UK CT1-2 training exercises and more range days than I can quickly count. There was also a UKSB deployment to support the flooding in our recruiting heartlands, notice of a major deployment for the squadron in 2020 and a smat- tering of adventure training and sport for good measure. There have been plenty of new faces as the squadron has grown. The Legion fired on all cylinders in 2019 and continues to be a bonded group with an unconquerable soul.
The major focus for the first part of the year was our deployment to California for Ex DIAMONDBACK. The Legion, under Major Will Hignett continued where the QDG left off, working under a US STRYKER Battlegroup as their light recce force. This exer- cise provided an amazing opportunity for many of the young sol- diers and officers in the squadron who had yet to experience a deployment. Performing our role at reach both operationally and tactically is something that Lt Cav is set up to do. The Legion proved that Light Dragoons in that role can quickly retrain (this time on Humvees) and clip onto a partner nations ORBAT to offer our skills on the other side of the globe. The Legion proved to be a formidable recce force. Constantly hampering the OPFOR intentions by preventing their freedom of action. We learned how decisive operating in the enemy’s deep can be. Plus, the envi- ronmental conditions coupled with access to fires and aviation helped develop TTPs for the troops. After the main exercise the squadron conducted a multi-activity AT package in California. This included rotating through ocean kayaking, snorkelling, hill
walking and surfing. I have had soldiers and officers describe the whole DIAMONDBACK experience as a career highlight. It was a brilliant opportunity.
Ex DIAMONDBACK brought Will Hignett’s tenure as C Sqn Leader to a close. He was a fantastic OC, much loved by the lads and well respected throughout the regiment. His infantry experi- ence and professionalism were invaluable on the regiments’ con- tinued transition from the armoured world and he will be remem- bered as a good bloke, despite being a rifleman.
Suddenly the pre-summer leave rush of events was upon us. First up, we conducted our annual CT1 dismounted exercise, FOXTROT DRAGOON in Gairloch. The aim this year was to target basic battlecraft skills at the lower end of the rank range. We wanted the Tprs, LCpls and Cpls to be empowered to practice