Page 5 - Allotment Gardener Issue 2 2024
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These are times of change for the National Allotment Society. Liz Bunting, Legal and Operations Manager, is retiring after 14 years, and I’m sure the new greenhouse and nature photography will help to enjoyably fill her
new free time, should the five grandchildren leave any. Phil Gomersall, our President, has decided to relinquish his role also. Phil and Liz were instrumental in my entering the ring as a regional representative way back when. Phil and I have spent many hours/days in each other’s company and, (truthfully Janet), for the majority of them we were both stone cold sober. Whilst the past year has been very busy and I have had lots to deal with, there is much to look forward to with many exciting things happening, among them the launching of the new website and a re-organising of how we run things.
Another exciting development is a collaboration with one of our partner universities to undertake a comprehensive survey on allotment holders. We would
like to understand more about the present demographic of plotholders across the UK and hope that, when the time comes, there will be an enthusiastic response to completing the survey!
The Annual General Meeting, being held on the border of Rotherham and Sheffield will, I’m sure, prove lively and interesting with lots to discuss and some very interesting and amusing speakers lined up, and I look forward to meeting many of you and buying you a drink (of Adam’s ale). As a word of warning – as things look at
the moment, it may not be the most welcome a subject as you might imagine to talk of the state of local football clubs.
Mike Farrell
Yorkshire Regional Representative
Chairman, National Allotment Society
Mike on his allotment
Following on from
the February article
on ‘How to plan your plot’, this is a photo
of NAS Governor, Keith Meakin, with Zoe Claymore at Hampton Court Palace, on Zoe’s award winning garden. Well done to Keith and London Representative Terry Dickinson, who were instrumental in liaising with Zoe and getting her onboard
as our wonderful new NAS ambassador!
  Phil Gommersal with wife Janet
 Allotment Gardener | Issue 2 2024 | 5

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