Page 8 - Allotment Gardener Issue 2 2024
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About The Self-Sufficiency Garden
By Huw Richards and Sam Cooper
Eat homegrown food all year round and save money on your weekly shop by following a simple plan for self-sufficiency.
Huw Richards and Sam Cooper have spent the past two years planning and trialling their very own self-sufficiency garden in a 10x12.5m plot and now they’ve worked out the perfect formula. Grow six portions of nutritious veg a day per person following their month-by- month growing plan, which is realistic and flexible with cost, space, and time in mind.
- Learn about Huw’s self-sufficiency ethos,
goals and approaches
- Create your garden and learn how to build all the growing spaces you will need, such as hot beds and polytunnels
- Follow month-by-month planting plans with guidance on key tasks throughout the year
- Discover useful kitchen tips meal prep, storage, and preserving ideas along with base recipes so you can make the most of your crops
Follow Huw and Sam’s tried-and-tested methods and save money while enjoying homegrown food all year.
  In the kitchen
I smelt the fresh picked carrots
And realised just how Freshly grown produce
Can give you a WOW!
Then the onions joined in With their pungency strong, And cabbage, tomatoes And more came along
To add to the rest
Like the bars of a song, Until smells fresh and wonderful
Filled the whole room, And far out-smelt any Expensive perfume.
Christine Sims
 Bank Details Reminder
A reminder to use the new NAS bank details.
We continue to receive payments into the Barclays Bank account, which we are in the process of closing.
Our business bank account details are: The Co-operative Bank
Sort code 08-92-99
Account number 67270048
Account name NSALG
Reference: Membership Number (current members) Reference: Membership Name (new members)
All the details are available on our application forms, renewals and invoices.
For individual members paying by Standing Order please update the new details via your online banking or within your local branch.
 Share the Asian Hornet Watch App
By now, you may have heard about the threat of Asian Hornets to UK honeybees and other pollinators. Numbers of this destructive insect rose rapidly in 2023 and more were detected in the UK than in the previous six years combined.
Just one Asian Hornet can hunt down and
eat 30 - 50 honeybees a day and their habit
of hovering outside hives stops bees from collecting nectar and pollen to feed themselves.
To identify and report an Asian Hornet sighting, please download the ‘Asian Hornet Watch’ app to your device or visit the BBKA website for more information.
Tell others - the BBKA have produced a graphic to increase awareness and promote the Asian Hornet Watch App. You can download it to print as a poster and display on a notice board, or use it on your social media and website:
Download link: Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=99834733-80a0- 4f8e-b059-e1a3a37ec834
Do you know a young plotter who would like to write a short article for our membership magazine? We are seeking a keen young gardener aged 7-16 (together
with a supportive and approving parent/guardian) to submit a story 300-400 word piece about their experience on the allotment, together with a photo or two.
Please submit articles, with written permission from parent/guardian, to
by 19th July.
  8 | Issue 2 2024 | Allotment Gardener

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