Page 5 - Simply Veg Issue 1 2016
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the show benches, a spectacle for all to see. Seems a long time ago now, but a full report of the results will no doubt be found elsewhere in this magazine.
I have seen the NVS in
chairman’s thoughts By David Allison, FNVS
I start my short remarks by congratulating the Scottish Branch on a well organised and well supported National Championships and AGM at Dundee the  rst week-
end in September. A full programme of activities was organised by the Branch,
to supplement the
where top quality
vegetables  lled
exhibiting vegetables of the highest standard, well done to all involved. Congratulations also to those who were awarded fellowships
and medals at Dundee and elsewhere, richly deserved, and a small recognition of all the work undertaken for the NVS. Well done also to those who sat and passed the Judges exam, the  rst week-end in October, the results are not known as I write these notes, their names
will be added to the directory on next re-print. Together with some of my NVS colleagues,
I have spent a fair bit of time in London over the Summer and Autumn, helping the RHS to update the vegetable section of the RHS exhibitors handbook, which is due to be published early next year. It is hoped that once available, our own NVS Judges Guide will be updated to re ect these changes, as both books, with one or two exceptions, use
The only concern is that despite my pleas
in the last issue, we still didn’t elect a Vice
Chairman at the AGM, to take the NVS forward when my term of of ce comes to an end, and are still looking for
a trustee to take on the role of Marketing, media and
PR for the Society.
On a sad note we lost Colin Lewis, Chairman of the Welsh Branch, and more recently, Margaret Henderson, as she was known before she
married her long term partner Jim Thompson earlier this year, and who was secretary of the Welsh Branch. We have also lost Jack Morris, President, Southern Branch. Our thoughts go to their families, and to the of cers of the Branch in trying to  ll these important roles. Obituaries appear elsewhere in this issue.
Closer to home, we lost my old mate Joe Maiden, who I have known for over 40 years. He was Chairman of my DA (West Yorkshire) and Vice Chairman of the Northern Branch. We dedicated our NVS Display at Harrogate to his memory as he passed away the morning of staging our display. Please see my obituary in the Northern Branch newsletter. All three will be sadly missed, and were brilliant of cers of and workers for the NVS.
On a slightly happier note I was interested to read that the RHS have recently acquired their 5th Garden at Salford near Manchester. This near derelict 156 acre site is part of the grounds of Worsley New Hall, former home of the Earl of Ellesmere, which includes a 10 acre walled kitchen garden, one of the largest in the UK, sadly also derelict. Planned to open in 2019, after extensive refurbishment, I would like
to think that the Northern Branch and /or Manchester DA can get involved with this project, which could become an ideal recruiting ground for the NVS.
As I pen these notes in mid-November, the show season is coming to a close, but what a season, I have seen the NVS in action all over the UK, putting on brilliant displays, providing advice stands and
the same pointing system, to help judges and exhibitors. We should all be singing form the same hymn sheet, so we are hoping to standardise both books, in terms of
points awarded, merits and faults, but retaining our own separate identities. Indeed this could be an opportunity to make our own guide much more
comprehensive and I will keep you updated on progress of this important piece of work.
With all the current troubles in various parts of the World, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a
somewhat belated peaceful and enjoyable Christmas and New Year, and to face the challenges for the year
ahead with renewed vigour and optimism.
action all over the UK, putting on brilliant displays
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