Page 6 - Simply Veg Issue 1 2016
P. 6

News from the Trustees
Mark Hall BEM, FNVS National Assistant Secretary
David Allison opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. A minutes silence was held as a mark of respect for Colin Lewis, and Joe Maiden who had passed away recently. Colin’s family had thanked the NVS for their support at this dif cult time.
The minutes of the 4th July were unanimously agreed as a true record.
After some discussion trustees agreed that
Robert Miller and Neil Hope would work together on the paper work for claiming gift aid from HMRC.
Trustees noted that there is a voting post on the web site to allow you to vote for the NVS in the Grow your own magazine awards. It is unlikely that we will win this, but it is welcome publicity for the society.
David Thornton read out the web masters report from Emily Plumb. The Web site and forum use is slightly down, probably seasonal and will pick up again over the winter months. Photos from this year’s shows can be found on the Web site under  icker. Trustees noted that articles for Simply Vegetables magazine and the web site are down, this again maybe seasonal and it is hoped that this may now improve as the show season ends.
The following points were noted from each of the branch chair reports.
a) Ian Stocks reported on how the Scottish branch annual seminar
will be linked to industry and commercial companies.
b) Sandra Hall hoped that other branches would help support the
Midlands branch in attending the BBC gardener’s world show as they did last year, along with The Edible Garden Show which returns to the Midlands in 2016.
c) David Metcalf reported that a Northern Branch DA was now running a quarterly newsletter for its members which are available as a hard copy and electronic.
d) Gordon Francis reported on the successful judge’s seminar which was held on the Friday evening prior to the Southern Branch judge’s exam.
e) Arwyn Edwards reported that the Welsh branch was going through a very dif cult time at the moment with the loss of some of its key of cers this year.
Robert Miller had circulated his  nancial report to Trustees prior to the meeting which he then went through explaining various points. New Auditors were appointed and agreed by Trustees. He then asked that all Trustees should consider the budget for 2016 so we can produce an accurate forecast of expenditure.
Neil Hope reported that Membership has remained steady throughout the year. Renewal forms have been updated to go in the October edition of Simply Vegetables magazine. The Web site joining information will also be up dated.
At the July Trustees meeting I was appointed as the new chair to steer the Strategic working group forward, I did not have any clear terms
of reference so went about establishing this from the trustees and members of the SWG group via email and in some cases in person at shows etc. This brought up some interesting points that formed the paper that I tabled prior to the October meeting. Having gone through this with trustees I concluded that as a society we have not got a clear
view of our strategic objectives for the future and that this needed to be in place before the SWG could deal with speci c items. This will be progressed at the January Trustees meeting.
Ian Stocks had circulated a report prior to the meeting on the subject of Schools liaison which he went through. In the light of the previous agenda item on our Strategic objectives, Trustees agreed to hold back any discussion on this, and would deal with any enquiries relating to schools in a re-active mode for the time being.
Extra copies of Simply Vegetables can be sent to af liated societies at £4.00 per copy, Trustees noted that it may be cheaper to join as an extra member. See your Branch Membership Secretary for more details.
Ian Stocks reported that the National championships at Dundee went well, this was due to his team which he thanked. Dundee city council were also very pleased with the championships.
Neil Muirhead said that the new computer system for working out the point and prize money went well with other branches showing an interest in it.
Arwyn Edwards reported on progress so far for the 2016 national championships which will be held in the large botanical glasshouse at the Botanical Gardens of South Wales on the 10th & 11th September, Carmarthenshire. This will be a very different setting to the usual marquee style shows.
The following items were also discussed by trustees and will be followed up at a later meeting. Trustees suggested that we may produce an NVS cookbook that would sit alongside the current “Getting Started books”
As current stocks of NVS 30mm shallot rings are running low, this maybe an opportunity to introduce a new style multi use ring.
David Thornton had brought some of the new stationery items to the meeting which was aimed at judges. (Pointing cards, Not According to Schedule etc.) There are more items to follow, and all of this will be free of charge to judges, which will standardise and improve our image as a society.
Thoughts on the vice chair and Public Relations positions were also discussed but still not resolved.
Important notices
from the Membership
Membership subscriptions for 2016 are now due, if not renewed already. Coloured Branch speci c forms were included with the Autumn Issue of Simply Vegetables, if mislaid the form on page 9 can be used. Members are reminded that all renewals should be made well before the end of March to ensure continued receipt of your Quarterly magazine. Please make renewal cheques payable to ‘National Vegetable Society’ not NVS!
In addition, for those members who have in the past kindly completed a Gift Aid declaration which enables the Society (as a registered Charity) to reclaim 25% of a portion of their subscription or donations under the Gift Aid Scheme, please note that HMRC are now requiring that these declarations are updated at a minimum of every 7 years, so it would be appreciated that members who have completed these forms in the past please bear this in mind, to ensure that we meet the HMRC Criteria. If at all in doubt please complete this declaration each time your membership is renewed.
Af liated Societies
Any societies that are af liated to the NVS can purchase extra copies of Simple Vegetables for members of their society at the cost of £4.00 including postage. If you wish to purchase extra copies please contact your branch membership secretary.
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