Page 11 - Jigsaw April 2021
P. 11

                                   Chairman’s Report
Patience is a Virtue
In a world in which we are so often impatient, wanting ‘what I want now’ ‘when
I want now’, or very soon after now. How do we reconcile ourselves to what ‘Is’?
Patience (n) c 1200,
patience, “a quality
of being willing to
bear adversities, calm
endurance of misfortune
and suffering”. Even
though this definition
comes from ‘Old French’
800yrs ago, the meaning connects and chimes with our present predicament.
We do not need to surrender to the state of helplessness or hopelessness. Within us all is the potential and realisation that we can choose a different path. It is within our own agency to affect our outlook and
our attitude. Staying in the ‘now’, embracing all what life ‘Is’ for us now, is our choice.
It could be said that a state of habitual impatience is denying the very present and its reality; always wanting life to be different. This can and often is very tiring and futile.
Very real progress is being made ‘now’ with the vaccines, treatments and Genome sequencing. Progress is being made
every day. It is very interesting to note that scientists will often state what they know ‘now’ but will often say we cannot possibly know about facts that will reveal themselves sometime in the future. The known and unknown will be for ever present.
Carpe Diem (seize the day)
Karen Draycott
  Cllr Karen Draycott
   11 11

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