Page 128 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 128
SSgt (SSI) P Dodds RAPTC
have been in post since Feb 12, and with a 95% pass mark from injury – rehab lung to the far winds. Patient caseload
there have been big changes since my – green lid, proves structured led rehab comprises of Perm Staff along with RA Cap
time here. We have had a new purpose
works. 29 Cdo Regt is an awesome unit Badge Potential Commandos (PC’s), who
built rehabilitation dept, located in an old to work in, with a great ethos, and Devon are my main efforts. These patients have
workshop garage next door to the gym. is great place to live.
either withdrawn through injury from the
Previous to this we were operating out of AACC or injured on their build up training,
a squash court, adequate, but some what Colerne, Hulavington and South Cerney The PC’s are with the ERI Tue,Wed and
cramped. The facilities now are great Primary Care Rehabilitation Units are Thur all morning conducting rehabilitation
with a purpose built treatment area and a covered by two civilian ET’s. Mr Rob in a structured programme. Structured
speciic rehabilitation gym.
Greaves (formerly APTC) and Ms Ali Wain. rehabilitation and guided expertise
Both are busy supporting their units and proves to work with these young PC’s,
As a very busy unit supporting 3 Cmd Bde have good working relationships with the getting them up to the desired level and
with Fire Support, the Regiment is always
re-integration into the course programme;
Sgt (SI) J Marshall RAPTC
Bovington remains extremely busy does not take away the fact the Phase 2 the Field Army, as well as any subsequent
with a constant volume of both volume of referrals remains the same and future Operational Role.
Phase 2 Soldiers Under Training
is somewhat increasing. This is all being
and Permanent Staff entering the Med completed whilst I am busy with the Army My future intent at Bovington is to continue
chain. I have been in post for 5 months Rugby team as the Remedial Therapist.
to audit the injury trends with subsequent
and work with 2 Physio’s, taking over the advice given to the chain of command. As
helm from a locum ERI with a caseload The restructure of the Armoured Corp has well as looking into conditioning training
of 35 Phase 2 SUT’s which was initially started to move some Regiments away for the Troops with focus on movement
dificult as a single ERI affording them the from Main Battle Tank and into a light role patterns and stabilising muscles to see
highest quality of treatment. However which is demand for a more robust SUT what impact this will have on Phase 2
within 3 months the number was down to be developed prior to deployment into
injury trends.
to 15 and has remained below 20. This
Sgt (SI) S Littlejohn RAPTC
he PCRF at Larkhill provides care for essential to get them back into training now have grasped a slight understanding
both 14 Regiment Royal Artillery and and out to their units as quickly as of the different types of injuries and what
32 Regiment Royal Artillery, working possible.
aspects are required to work on during
within this PCRF are 2 physiotherapist their rehabilitation.
and 2 ERIs, myself and a civilian.
With that in mind, once I’d got my feet
under the table and settled down into Now that these changes have helped
As the phase 2 ERI Looking after the the job we brought in some changes . improve returning the Recruits into training
Royal Artillery Phase 2 Recruits (part of Changing their full time rehabilitation into our sights have been set on putting the
14 Regiment Royal Artillery) and returning class therapy lessons instead of individual same type of changes in place for the
them to full military training is the driving programmes as well as trying to educate Regiment.
force behind my job at the PCRF Larkhill, them along the way. This is proving to
due to the nature of their training it is
assist with their return to itness as they
Sgt (SI) D Holden RAPTC
There are two physiotherapists and me, l as the lone ERI My role as the ERI is challenging due to the various shift patterns
currently employed within PCRF Aldergrove which is located worked throughout our AOR by the Major Units. The constant
right next to Belfast International Airport (Although it is set “Operational” status requires a good communication line with
in the middle of rural Northern Ireland and a “good” drive from heads of departments and a constant review system to ensure
Belfast City itself!
patients receive the best care. Classes are run daily and a
typical week would see a patient receive 2 speciic gymnasium
We look after a patient population of just over 900, which includes based sessions, 2 hydrotherapy classes and 1 cardio-vascular
5 Regiment Army Air Corps, 38 Engineer Regiment (now reduced conditioning session.
to just 25 Field Squadron), Northern Ireland Support Group (NISG)
and other various outlying Minor Units.