Page 14 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 14


Headquarters ‘A YEAR IN THE MAKING’



Maj (MAA) SAJ Davis – SO2 PD HQ SP Comd
WO1 (SMI) G Logan – SMI PD HQ SP Comd

WO1 (SMI) M Horner – SMI Sport HQ Sp Comd
Miss Emma Cutler – PD Clk HQ Sp Comd

upport Command one year on and now irmly on our radar and the evidence 
Project AVANTI is a distant memory we are now able to unearth reduces the 
and we are not yet at Full Operating
ability to hide from the requirements of 
Capability. This has been a long road and Army PD policy. There is a long way to 

without doubt one of the most challenging go, but I sense the worm is turning, with 
tasks that I have had the pleasure of the anticipated regular unit/TA pairing, a 
tackling. In its simplistic form the intent dedicated SO2 PD (V) and a greater PT 
was to takeover the responsibilities and presence at TA unit level, we will see a 

disband 2 and 5 Division, then manage change of ethos across the TA. We have 
the transition and Stand Up of ten to remain positive and tackle each hurdle 
Regional Brigade PD Branches through as it presents itself – I suspect there will be 
to full operating capability. From its many before we can stand back and scan 

embryonic inception we have surmounted a job well done...!
each obstacle with a committed approach 
that has seen immense optimism for the Sport is high on the agenda, illing the void 
future. Currently we stand at less than left by operations, this is already becoming 

50% fully manned, that’s all in both SO3s a growing industry, moving from strength 
and FTRS WO2s. At the time of writing to strength in line with CLF’s direction. 
we have seven Captains in post with a We have already moved to introduce a 
further three scheduled to arrive in post number of initiatives, implemented across 
between Apr and Jul 13. Establishing all three regions, which should help to 

the FTRS WO2 posts has at best been increase the volume of sporting activity at 
protracted, although some light exists the lower end of the scale. We have also 
with funding having been found for six introduced a similar sports competition 
of the ten posts, which will please those to that which is currently run in 1 UK Div, 

SO3s scheduled to receive one. The inal The Howlett and Thorne Trophy; the UK 
four remain unfunded and sit within LF version will be called the Land Forces 
Orgs remit to ind the funding.
Sports Trophy. Initially, each Region 
will seek to identify the regular Maj, Min 

All that said, I can say with some degree and ARTD unit that display the greatest 
of certainty, we will be in a far stronger all round sporting merit during the year 
position once we are fully manned and (Nov to Nov). Then the Sp Comd Sports 
functioning on all cylinders than we ever Board will select an overall winner from 

have been in the past. Our PD reach has the Regional Competitions to be awarded 
already been extended across a far wider the Land Forces Sports Trophy at the 
area of the regular Army, encompassing annual Sports Awards, the trophy being 
many more units than we were able to presented by CGS in Nov each year.
capture under the old regime. The TA is

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