Page 12 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 12


I’d been warned that the ACG’s requirements leading up to the Following their meeting, the ACG made their way into Fox Gym 
event would change (several times) and that on the day it would where we had the opportunity to demonstrate the breadth and 
be like ‘herding cats’. Therefore, the last-minute requests for depth of the Corps’ capability. The ACG immersed themselves in 
vehicles, collection from helipads, interview rooms, break-out the stands and spent time listening to briefs from stand OICs and 

rooms, computer support, etc. came as no surprise and we were asking questions. Our intent to use a full range of ranks from Sgt 
able to meet the majority of demands.
to Capt as the stand OICs worked extremely well and they each 
gave detailed and knowledgeable presentations; their contribution 
Ahead of the ACG, a written brief had been issued to all Command to the day made it the success that it was.

Group members and during the ACG the Col Comdt gave a verbal 
brief on current PD issues, providing a timely reminder on the On the day, only Comd FDT and MGO had been unavailable to 
importance of Physical Development and the role of the RAPTC. attend the ACG. Nevertheless, with the other ACG members, 
These issues were well received and subsequently resulted in invited presenters and hosts there was a total of ‘34 Stars’ within 

direction being passed down the Chain of Command from 4* level.
Fox Lines, a unique opportunity and a truly memorable occasion 
for the RAPTC.


SO2 PT SO1 PD SO2 AT & Sport 
Maj B Taylor Lt Col G Roderick Maj P Appleby


Lt Col (MAA) G Roderick RAPTC
he appointment of an RAPTC SO1 PD in Jan 13 was a TEPID OIL means? DTrg PD is expertly supported by Major’s Bob 
signiicant occasion for the Corps and one that should be Taylor and Sheff Appleby who, along with maintaining a watchful 

welcomed by all aspiring Corps Oficers and Instructors, eye on all PD matters keep morale high within the directorate with 
because now we have 3 permanent Lt Col posts and for the irst idle witty banter and anecdotes galore. We are currently working 
time, an RAPTC Cap Badged Oficer at the head of PD Capability. on Mr Men names for each other, I am sure you will have your 
I must say it has been a whirlwind irst 6 months, work priorities own ideas. Army HQ is not a working environment suited to 

change daily, nothing new there, and the wide variety of work all, but if you want a challenge, the opportunity to broaden your 
across the PD policy spectrum really puts into perspective what a professional horizons and you get the chance, its worth a punt.
huge impact we as a Corps, have on the Army. Anyone know what


Maj B Taylor, SO2 PT

ell, the saying is ‘time lies when you are having fun’, give appropriate guidance and direction to the CoC and the PT 
and of course that is true. However, when you are being fraternity as we move towards contingency. The Army 2020 
smashed, thrashed and bashed in Army HQ writing or FORM Fitness Doctrine (AFFD) which will supersede the CFFD is 
updating yet another policy the time goes pretty quickly as well. one such policy. Although it builds on the success of the CFFD 

As to whether it is fun or not depends on your own point of view. it is quite different and there are many challenges for RAPTCIs 
Being a hands-on PTI is a young person’s game and therefore the who will have to implement its principles on the ground. We need 
physically knackered crusty old PTIs need somewhere to work to be lexible and need to design our unit PT programmes with 
and being sat behind a desk in front of a computer screen is just the end-state in mind. We may not require strong pack-horses! 

about manageable! Although it hurts my back! Anyway enough All components of itness will need to be developed, perhaps 
wafle (for now at least), we have had an exceptionally busy year (dependent on task) in equal measure. The three year cycle of the 
as the Army continues to draw down in Afghanistan and reduce AFFD will be categorised by several different themes that the unit 
in size whilst growing the Reserve, there is no sign of any let-up PT staff will need to remain alive to and cater for. My advice is that 

any time soon. We certainly face busy and uncertain times in the when it comes, read it, read it again, understand it then carefully 
next 4–5 years and who can tell what we will be committed to design your unit PT programmes to achieve your missions and 
next? What will not change is our requirement to keep the Army tasks. Above all, drive it and make it work! Meanwhile all the 
it for whatever Operation or task that comes along. That leads knackered old PTIs (working in ofices and HQs) will stand ready 
me nicely onto one of our major policies (one of many) that will
to advise and assist as appropriate.

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