Page 10 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 10



SSgt (SSI) ML Freeman RAPTC

ue to future career development a posting to HQ RAPTC 
TDT was on the horizon, and with an ERI background I was 
fully aware of the ‘ight or light’ concept to which I soon
became accustomed. On the day I irst sat at my desk, I heard 

the tapping of computer keys and fellow Corpsmen talking in the 
foreign language that is Defence Systems Approach to Training 
(DSAT). To make things worse on the board opposite my desk, 
a piece of A4 paper (one of many) with ‘First Day Survival Guide’ 

as its heading further increased my resting heart rate. I was 
told I was going to be one of the TDT Analysts responsible for 
all Adventurous Training (AT) schemes sponsored by the British 
Army; and although coming top on one of the AT phases during 

Class Ones, I still didn’t really know the difference between a 
Sheepshank and a Round turn two half hitch (the steep learning 
curve was on). At the time I can honestly say I was overwhelmed 
by my new working environment, but slowly as time went by I 
started to understand the DSAT process and I can honestly say 

things are becoming a little easier.
SSgt Mark Freeman (Front Left) Sgt Russell Hughes (Back Right)
Working in the HQ really gives you an insight into the working 
machine that is the RAPTC, its structure and how Corps business I can continue other Corps activities. A Tough Guy competition 

is delivered on a daily basis. Learning a new skill set from scratch in January got things going, followed by the Fleet Half Marathon 
is something Corps men and woman thrive on, and being able to which was great! Also I am currently managing the Battle Back 
adapt and implement these skills and more importantly see their Open Water Swim Team (with an impending Tour to Jersey), and 
effect on future course delivery is nothing but rewarding.
organising the annual RAPTC Rugby Tour to Spain.

The team are more than knowledgeable, and help and support I would highly recommend any RAPTCI to take up post within HQ 
comes from all angles; and in times of crisis (i.e. turning a computer RAPTC TDT. Not only does it present a new challenge (all be it 
on), these sources have been invaluable. Since taking up post less physical), but it can also open up a variety of employment 

as the team analyst, there are other Corps responsibilities I have opportunities across the Corps.
taken on, and I have been fully supported by the SO2 to ensure


fter spending 4 years working as an ERI in Northern Ireland, 
my posting was coming to an end. I decided that it was 
time for a change of direction and new challenge. So I 
made the leap to return back to a mainstream job, or so I thought. 

I was convinced by a fellow TDT analyst that HQ RAPTC was the 
place to be. He said ‘It is near to all the local sporting facilities 
and running races.’ Not really understanding what the job or role 
entailed, I placed it down on my PPP to come and work as an 

analyst. When the posting plot came out and I saw I was posted 
to HQ RAPTC TDT, it dawned on me ‘what have I done?’. Having 
lashbacks to PTI Class 1 training, running around Fox Lines and 
supervising cleaning parades is this what I had to look forward to?

I was teamed up with SMI Ian Lester, who has worked in the 
department for some time and had lots of knowledge. Our role 
was to ensure that all PD Courses delivered at ASPT met the 
requirements of the job/role. Having little experience, this was all 

new to me and listening to the new terminology and keeping up HQ RAPTC TDT get a break from the ofice.
to date with current policies seemed like an endless task. It was Back Row: ASSgt R Hughes, SSgt M Freeman.
on the job training for a period of time, learning the procedures Front Row: WO1 I Lester, Maj C Collinson, WO2 M Greenwood
of ExVal, collecting data and how to turn this all into readable Since starting my role work in the department, I have participated 

documents. This all started to make sense when I attended the in the Minor Unit Cross Country Relays Championships where 
Defence Training Requirements Practitioners’ at RAF Halton. The the HQ RAPTC and ASPT came 1st Minor Unit. I have been 
course has given me the underpinning knowledge to plan, selected to represent the Army at the Inter Services Cross Country 
coordinate and implement the ExVal process. It teaches how to Championships held at RAF Halton and at Army Half Marathon.

disseminate results in the form of an ExVal.
I have enjoyed my time so far working in TDT, HQ RAPTC and look 
forward to seeing what the next year brings.

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