Page 8 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
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and will continue to win us inluence across the Army. A full piece Before closing, it would be remiss of me not to include a few lines 
on the trip features later in the MBS but those out there who aspire about Lt Col Alan Billings, our SMAA, because by the time of 
to doing something similar are recommended 100% to do so.
the next MBS he will have left the Army. Whilst I am sure many 
glowing words will be said and written of Lt Col Alan Billings’ long 

HQ RAPTC personnel – Staff within the HQ have left us and new and unstinting service to the Army and this Corps, his leadership, 
personnel have joined:
loyalty and support to the HQ have been simply excellent. Lt 
• Regimental Secretary – Lt Col (Retd) Gary Jones was appointed
Col Alan Billings has added real value and made a real difference 
Reg Sec in Sep 12. He will continue to work tirelessly for both
during his tenure as SMAA within this HQ and across the RAPTC. 

serving and retired members of the RAPTC.
Of particular importance is the work he has undertaken on the 
• Museum Curator – Mr Adam Culling is a professionally qualiied
Corps’ behalf in order to ensure that the RAPTC is placed at the 
museum curator and a great addition to the team; please do
forefront of the minds of the Army’s most senior commanders; this 
your best to support him in delivering our heritage.
has produced excellent outcomes for the good standing of the 

• SO3 P&P – Capt Lee Dyson moves on to study a MSc in Public RAPTC going forward under A2020. A irst farewell to both Lt Col 
Health and will be replaced by Capt Andrew Barnett in Sep Alan and Norma Billings.
13, who returns to the RAPTC fold after studying an MSc in
Nutrition through Oxford Brookes.
That concludes this year’s update. The last thought I want to 

leave you with is this: it could just be possible that HQ RAPTC 
I would like to thank all HQ RAPTC staff for their continued sometimes seems a far off and almost illusionary entity. However, 
dedication and in particular Mrs Debbie Winter and Mrs Jules if that is the case, I can reassure you that HQ RAPTC staff all aim 
Fairclough. Their unceasing support of all HQ RAPTC oficers and to serve you, your family and the best interests of the RAPTC at all 
the TDT staff continues to receive high praise from both within the times – so try to keep in touch.

HQ and further aield.


his is my third and inal foreword as SMAA of what
example of how the RAPTC has been ‘plugged into’ 
I believe to be the best Corps in the British Army.
building future contingency requirements than during the 

Okay, it could be argued that I am somewhat biased
visit of the Army Command Group (ACG) to Fox Lines 
but any objective view on the effect and overall impact
in November last year. This initiative, led by Col Comdt 
that the RAPTC continues to have on the Army’s ability to
RAPTC, provided us with the opportunity to brief CGS 
deliver operational capability is hard to challenge. This is
and the Army’s most senior oficers on how the RAPTC 

even more obvious when assessed against the relatively
can meaningfully contribute to future contingency 
small size of the Corps which as at 1 Sep 13 stands at
capability - the practical demonstrations of high quality 
435 oficers, WOs and SNCOs. The reason for this is,
PT, AT, Sport, Rehabilitation and Health activities selling 
in my view, very simple - our people! During a period of themselves and gaining immediate buy-in from ACG 
increased dependency on technology the requirement to
members. It is clear, that as part of the Army 2020 

maintain soldiers at appropriate itness levels has never
(A2020) structure we will make much greater use of the 
been more important - particularly whilst preparing for or Reserve which is planned to a igure of approximately
deployed on operational duties. We have retained the strap-line 30,000 by 2018 and plans are now well advanced to secure 
of “People as our Strategic Edge” very much in line with wider RAPTC (Reserve) manning liabilities as part of this new structure. 

recognition of the need to be looking forward and planning 5 to Also, following recent rebasing announcements, the map of 
10 years into the future in order for the Corps to properly support Army formations and units within the UK will change signiicantly 
the physical, moral and conceptual components of ighting power. over the next few years which will have obvious implications for 
My job is made very easy as Major General James Bashall CBE PT, AT and Sport in the wider context. Once again, the Corps 

and Brigadier John Donnelly CBE both provide the Corps with is perfectly placed to respond to these changes although there 
just the right level of strategic direction and underpinning support will undoubtedly be challenges along the way as we grapple with 
whilst engaging with the Army’s ‘top brass’ as we address the detail of transformation and change. The Corps continues 
fundamental transformation and change. There can be no better
to lead Army Sport at unit, Army and in a number of cases, 

international level whilst either coaching, oficiating or competing. 
The reinvigoration of AT is moving forward apace and the plans for 
an RAPTC Warrant Oficer (WO2 (QMSI) Naylor RAPTC) to lead 
the Army Everest 2014 Expedition are now well advanced - we of 
course wish him and his team the very best of luck as he prepares 

to literally put the Corps ‘on top of the world’.

Looking now towards the Association, amongst a whole raft of 
supporting activities, the RAPTC Association’s ‘main event’ this 

year was the National Memorial Arboretum and our Dedication 
Ceremony on Saturday 14th September 2013. More details of the 
NMA Dedication Ceremony appear elsewhere in this year’s MBS 
and to say that the event was a resounding success would be a 

complete understatement - it really was that good - thanks largely 
to the efforts of our Project Oficer Maj Steve Collinson RAPTC. 
With some 450 personnel (serving, retired, families and guests) ‘on 
parade’, I would like to, once again, express my sincere gratitude 

to everyone who attended or supported this historical milestone 
for the Corps. Since taking on the appointment as SMAA we have 
ticked off a number of hugely successful events (150th Anniversary, 
Royal Title, Freedom of the Borough, RAPTC Sports Dinner, etc.) SMAA RAPTC and CO ASPT at the National Memorial 
Arboretum Saturday 14th September 2013
all of which have been achieved during the implementation of

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