Page 9 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 9


post-SDSR recommendations and early restructuring as part of 
A2020 transformation. Last Saturday only adds to this list but 
more importantly the NMA event provided a useful barometer of 
how well the RAPTC Association is doing (Mind, Body and Spirit!), 

especially with such a high level of esprit de corps in evidence at 
the NMA. We are already looking at the potential to expand our 
presence at the NMA, both at our new memorial site and also the 
potential to occupy one of the paving stones at what will be the 

new Heroes’ Square which is due to open in 2015.

Our new Regimental Secretary (Lt Col (Retd) Gary Jones) took over 
his post in January and is already making a huge difference in the 

level of support being provided to our Branches and Association 
members (serving and retired). Likewise, Mr Adam Culling assumed 
the Museum Curator’s appointment late last year and is already doing 
an excellent job as we drive the Museum towards full accreditation 

with the Arts Council. As you would expect, the RAPTC Association 
Executive Committee is fully engaged in all aspects of Association 
business. We bid a sad farewell to Lt Col (Retd) George Gelder 
and Brian Stead Esq. from the Executive Committee following their 
long and dedicated service as trustees. I know that I can speak Army Command Group visit to Fox Lines 8 Nov 12. CGS, AG and 
SMAA with one of the BattleBack wheelchair basketball athletes
on behalf of all Association members when I offer a vote of thanks 
for all that George and Brian have done for the good and beneit of 
our Association members – thank you both! New trustees on the In terms of a short summary and look forward, I know there will 
block are Lt Col (Retd) Gareth Davies QGM and Maj (Retd) ‘Chic’ be many challenges ahead as the Army looks beyond 2020 and 

Wilkinson who are already fully engaged in their vital role as trustees. the implications of a New Employment Model and Project 21 etc. 
On a personal note, I would like to thank all of the Executive trustees However, I am conident that the Corps remains extremely well 
for their dedicated service and wise counsel whilst keeping me on placed to meet these challenges as ‘our people’ most deinitely 
the straight and narrow over the last 3 years. Another success are an essential component in the Army maintaining a ‘Strategic 

story is the RAPTC Association Branches who continue to provide Edge’. Finally, my sincere thanks to Lt Col Dougie Peters who 
local focus points and support to our members. The Annual Branch has co-piloted and supported me as we move the Corps ever 
Dinners are thriving and once again our collective thanks go back forward. And last but by no means least, thank you to my ‘team’ 
to respective committee members for their dedicated service and (A team!) in HQ RAPTC who, despite small numbers, have made 

unstinting support to Association matters.



WO1 (SMI) I Lester RAPTC

ell it has been another learning how to bake (that’s 
eventful year in TDT! another story)! Sgt Russ 
My ifth and still Hughes (soon to be SSgt) has 
counting, a change of contract illed the gap on the PT side 

and another set of keen young and relieved me of some of my 
and thrusting RAPTCIs join workload and Russ is proving 
the team and the cake club!! to be a formidable baker! 
So what has happened this WO2 Mark Greenwood has 
year; well the staff have had taken a sideways step and 

a reshufle with SSgt (now is standing in for the gapped 
WO2), Steve Green leaving SMI’s post before WO1 (SMI) 
on promotion to 1 RSME. Richard Windard turns up. 
The driving force behind TDT Mark is grasping the iner art 

as stand in OC for 3 mths of baking! Is that a packet mix 
WO1 (SMI) Jase Murdoch Mark?
(now Capt) has moved on 
commissioning to the ASPT The TDT ship is being steered 

and we have welcomed back by probably the irst ever TDT/ 
WO2 Carl Simmons who is CDC analyst way back when 
with us temporarily in between WO1 Ian Lester the current Cake club WO2 (QMSI) Mark Greenwood he was a SSgt/WO2, Maj 
posts and as an ex chef he is champion showing off his wares!
RAPTC – Current Army Half Marathon (MAA) Steve Collinson, (at the 
and Army Marathon Champion 
desperate to join the cake club!
with a time of 2hr 33mins
time of writing) the Boss and 
chief baker is about to depart
The new team is now well embedded into TDT work with SSgt on a short tour to Afghanistan to set up the training for the Afghan 
Mark Freeman irmly in the chair for the AT side of TDT and is National Army’s Oficer training and for Afghan PTIs.
busy with the DLP courses, a bit of Rugby (tour to Spain) and

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