Page 149 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 149
Lt Col (Retd) G B Jones
fter a robust application process I started life as a Civil he welcomed the newly appointed Trustees: Lt Col (Retd) Gareth
Servant in the post of Regimental Secretary for the RAPTC Davies and Maj (Retd) Chic Wilkinson.
Association in January 2013 having served just less than
30 years with the Corps. For me it is an honour and I feel very Another sad departure was Maj (Retd) Bob Kelly who also
privileged to have the opportunity to work for the Corps that gave decided to call it a day after approximately 10 years as the RAPTC
me a successful career and in many ways shaped my life. To Museum Curator. Bob made many lasting changes during his
provide support for the Trustees and be in a position to help those time and moved the Museum three times which is no easy task;
members of the Association who are less fortunate and fallen on the last move was back to Henslow Room (the old fencing room).
hard times is indeed quite humbling. The Regimental Secretary’s He always had a welcoming smile for everyone who visited the
post was gapped prior to my arrival and it did not take me long Museum and nothing was too much trouble so on behalf of all
to realise that the Association has been very fortunate in having the Association members thank you Bob for all your hard work,
a number of committed individuals who worked hard during this commitment and support for the Association and we wish you
gapped period administering the Association in addition to their well in your retirement. Taking his place we have Adam Culling
day jobs. Their hard work ensured the Association maintained a keen endurance athlete and a fully qualiied Curator who learnt
an even keel through troubled waters and an ever changing his trade at the Royal Logistic Corps Museum before making the
environment, so on behalf of all Association members I will take move to the Association Museum. Adam is well versed in the
this opportunity to thank them and express our gratitude for their Museum world and is working hard to gain full accreditation for
commitment, in particular Lt Col (SMAA) Alan Billings RAPTC, Maj the Association Museum and he provides an excellent update in
(MAA) Mark Field RAPTC, Capt (MAA) Lee Dyson RAPTC, , Mrs his Curator’s Report.
Debbie Winter for all her work with the accounts and last but not
least Mrs Jules Fairclough the Association Clerk who is the irst Association Management. The Association Trustees continue
point of contact for most enquiries regarding the Association.
to direct the affairs of the RAPTC Association, ensuring that it is
solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for which
As with everything in life, change is ongoing and the Association it has been created. As a result the Association investments despite
is no different; this year we have seen a number of changes to the current economical environment have continued to grow
the Association Executive Board. Brigadier Ben Bathhurst OBE providing a stable inancial foundation for the RAPTC Association
(late WG) has moved on assignment and handed over the reins to achieve its objectives. As a registered Charity we are mandated
of Commandant RAPTC and Chairman of the Executive Board
to submit an annual report to the Charity Commission explaining
so on behalf of the Association members thank you for your how we have managed the Association to meet our objectives.
guidance, support and hard work and we wish you well in your The report includes our audited accounts and for those interested
new appointment. Brig (Retd) Iain Campbell has also decided to a copy of the RAPTC Association annual report and audited
step down as a Trustee and once again we are most grateful for accounts can be viewed on the Charity Commission’s Website.
all his support over the years.
Garden of Remembrance – Due to the refurbishment of the
A special mention must go to Lt Col (Retd) George Gelder who Athletics pavilion within Fox Lines it was necessary to remove the
has had a long association with the Corps (his father also served Garden of Remembrance in its entirety including all the earth and
in the Corps). Colonel George joined the Army in September 1949 planting. Bearing in mind that a number of Ashes have been spread
and transferred into the APTC in 1951. He was commissioned in the Garden the contractors were acutely aware of the sensitivity
in 1971 retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel and Senior Master at when removing the garden and have taken every precaution to
Arms BAOR in 1987. Since his retirement from the Army in 1987 ensure the Garden was replaced exactly as it was prior to the
Colonel George has been fully committed and totally involved in all
Association business and matters. In 1988 he became Chairman
of the South West, Midlands & South Wales Branch of the Royal
Army Physical Training Corps, a position he held for 25 years. In
1991 he became an Association Trustee and Executive Committee
member, a position he held for 22 years. George celebrated his
80th birthday on 25 February 2013 and decided to step down
from the Executive Committee and the Branch so handed over
the reins of both these positions after 64 years. Of course behind
every good man there is a great lady and Christine has loyally
supported George throughout and been a stalwart member of the
Association in her own right. It is dificult to express in words the
positive impact and inluence George and Christine have had over
the years but there is no doubt that their distinguished commitment
to the Corps is a shining example for all and, on behalf of all the
past and present members of the RAPTC Association, thank you
for setting the standards we all aspire to.
We welcome Brigadier John Donnelly (Late Cheshire) who has
taken over the reins as the RAPTC Commandant and Chairman of
the Executive Board chairing his irst meeting in April 2013 where
Left to Right: WO1 (CRSM) P Saunders, Lt Col (MAA) D Peters RAPTC, SSgt (SSI)
Mickey Vaggs RAPTC, Capt (MAA) L Neville RAPTC, Lt Col (Retd) G B Jones