Page 20 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 20


Regiment and clinical specialists, such 
as surgeons and anaesthetists, have the 
opportunity to divide their work between 
the Regiment and the Second Care 


After the guys came back from London, 
they were given a stand down period 

before getting back into the hard work of 
supporting of 16 Air Assault Brigade. 23 
Medical Squadron have been particularly 
busy, training alongside 2nd Battalion the 

Parachute Regiment (2 PARA) in readiness 
to take on the Airborne Task Force (ABTF) 
role from May.

Sport and Inter Sqn competitions have 
been a priority within the unit, particularly 
winter sports. The regimental skiing 
team deployed to Norway for training 
before competing at Ex WHITE FIST and 

Ex SPARTAN HIKE. Following success 
for individual ladies on Ex SPARTAN (WO1) RSM J Harris RAMC in the Fittest of the Fit
HIKE three were selected to attend Ex 
RUCKSACK, the British Army and National including best novice, and gained a lot of Soldier Magazine. No doubt 23 Sqn 

Ski Championships. Two of our female experience for next season.
will be shaping up a strong team for the 
medics were subsequently selected to Orienteering contest which will take place 
participate in the National Development The Regiment runs an event each year on 28 Feb 13.
Squad later in 2013.
called the Wilson Cup which is a stretcher 

race handed down by Maj (Retd) Wilson. Training facilities within the unit have 
In Feb 13 the Regt entered Nordic This was won by the mighty 23 Sqn. I been revamped to meet the Army 2020 
and Alpine ski teams in to the AMS Ski say the mighty due to the fact they were expectations, seeing a new Half Rack, 12 
Championships held in France. Our male also the winners of the Inter Sqn Cross spin bikes, a cardiovascular room and a 

team won the Nordic competition and the Country and Fittest of the Fit, which more spacious Strength and Condition 
ladies team came second in their event. was an immense competition and made area.
The alpine team won several trophies,
it on to the British Army Website and


SSgt (SSI) L Kinsley RAPTC

Regimental Business
relayed back to the TAC Sgt, whose team are in communication 
Having taken up my post at 47 Regt RA in August 2012 after with the soldiers on the ground. The TAC Sgt then gives a detailed 
spending my previous two assignments within ARTD, it wasn’t description of the likely enemy position.

long before I started to recall the tempo of a ield force unit and 
47 Regt RA are certainly no exception. The Regiment has had to This change entailed a complete retraining and educating of all 
undergo mass changes to its operational role from air defence to soldiers and Oficers across the spectrum and with very little 
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In brief, UAV provide an aerial time to complete, yet the value it carries during operations is 

view, day or night of a likely enemy position; images are digitally
unprecedented. Needless to say and a credit to the Commanders 
of 47 Regt RA, the Regiment were ready to support the following 
OP HERRICK. Since September 2012, 21 (Gibraltar) Battery have 
been preparing to deploy on OP HERRICK 18. Pre Deployment 
Training is obviously a busy time for all, and as a ‘stand-alone’ 

RAPTCI I found myself pushing some long hours to meet the PDT 

Bataan Memorial Death March

Historically 47 Regt RA have competed in the ‘Bataan Memorial 
Death March’ in New Mexico – USA, this event is a Marathon 
in the White Sands Desert and has altitudes of up to 1650m. 
The Marathon is an annual event and is symbolic to the tens of 

thousands of American and Filipino soldiers that were surrendered 
to the Japanese forces, who would march for days in the scorching 
heat through the Philippine jungles. Thousands died. Those who 
survived faced the hardships of a prisoner of war camp. I took on 

the responsibility to train a team and travel to the United States of 
America with those selected (it had nothing to do with the R&R in 
Las Vegas). The category we entered was ‘Individual Military light 
division’ with the attire being combats, boots, and camelbaks. 
Having arrived at our motel in New Mexico, a few acclimatisation
UAV image

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