Page 22 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 22




he classic “is it that time again already?” always starts the team has every opportunity to organise, participate or judge in 
these articles, I promised I’d never use it, but damn it, it has various activities professionally and socially.
sneaked in!
The gym has conducted CPD days in TRX, Kettlebells and WATT 

I left Cyprus in late Mar 12 and having only just settled into the bikes. I have also completed the CrossFit (CF) Level 1 Instructors 
QMSI role here at Defence Intelligence and Security Centre (DISC) and CF Judges course which enabled me to judge at the London 
I am to move onto pastures new in late Apr 13 to carry on the work Throwdown.
as the SMI at 16 AA from WO1 (SMI) Chris Oakes on his much 

deserved commission. I hope my replacement enjoys the unit as The Gym staff have also raised money for Charity through 
much as I have.
numerous events such as a spirited attempt at Movember for 
Prostrate cancer. I also helped raise over £600 for Children in 
Chicksands is one of the most striking military bases in the UK. Need by allowing rather over zealous individuals to tear strips of 

The centre piece is the remarkable 12th century Gilbertine Priory, me in a Chest waxing marathon!
which has previously housed nuns & canons for over 400 years. 
Chicksands has also been occupied by the Navy in 1940, the RAF 
from 1940 until 1950 and the United States Air Force Security Unit 
took over the site for 45 years from 1950 – 1995, when the UK 

Defence Agency relocated to DISC.

DISC is the UK Defence Agency responsible for training all service 
personnel in intelligence, security and information support. DISC 

is a very busy and energetic environment, delivering training 
through a wide range of Schools; these include initial Intelligence 
and Security Phase 2 training (Templer) and the Defence School of 
Languages (DSL). Although the Gymnasium is a busy work place

QMSI Wilson body art modiication

Enthusiastic Students at DISC Throwdown

Chicksands Priory 
in its full glory

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