Page 25 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 25


In the current climate the Army are running hot, this is no different 
for MCTC, and as such I assumed additional responsibilities as the 
military Chief Instructor to the Trg Wing in Feb 13. Thinking outside 
of the normal mats, benches and med balls bubble became 

evident as soon as I took over the role. Tasks such as coordinating 
range packages, scheduling all military speciic training MST 
& PDT for the year around the units other commitments, has 
had its challenges along the way, The old cliché, QMSI you are 

ticking the right boxes, has never been used more..In addition 
to this I attended the National Tactical Response Group Control 
& Restraint Instructor course soon after my arrival at MCTC and 
have been delivering courses to MOS at the establishment and 

unit custody staff at home and overseas. This is an invaluable 
course qualiication to hold if potential RAPTCIs are considering 
MCTC as a future post?

Following a successful business case being presented, I managed 
to secure £135K for a complete overhaul to the CV Suite with the 
latest Technogym equipment, more to the envy of many RAPTCIs 
within the 16 Bde AOR. The CV Suite has now been named in 
dedication to the old Deputy Commandant Major Rhett Corcoran MCTC 2012 Field Gun Crew

as the ‘Corcoran Fitness Suite’ after he retired from the MPS and 
Army following 40 years of loyal service.
The Military Corrective Training Centre Field Gun Crew
The RN/RM Charity Field Gun competition is the centrepiece for 
Adventure Training
HMS Collingwood’s annual opening day attracting thousands of 

MCTC provide AT and purposeful activities to detainees whilst friends and families each year. The Field Gun event is without 
at the establishment. With a handsome brand new leet of 18 doubt one of the most arduous and physically demanding events 
mountain bikes and 8 kayaks the unit are self-contained with their still run within the Military today, attracting over 20 crews from 
own MPS recruitment trailer to conduct Unit Adventurous Training all three members of the Armed Forces. It requires leadership, 

at the drop of a hat. Having founded the Colchester Garrison determination and discipline, but above all teamwork – all of which 
and 16 Brigade Kayaking Club, this now runs successfully every are vital in support of the current operational environment.
Monday at the Cpl Budd VC Gymnasium pool and is attended by 
large numbers of military and civilian groups. By the time these The MCTC has provided a Tri Service crew which very much 

notes go to print, MCTC will be well into the TY13 AT packages represents the attributes and core values of the Army. Each one 
that are planned across the country as far as Aviemore in Scotland of the 18 strong crew members has a key role to play in ensuring 
for staff and detainee skiing. Major (MAA) Rick Young RAPTC that the runs are both safe yet competitive. Intense training for 
kindly facilitated a MBL UK course for 14 members of staff at the the crew begins with a variety of itness sessions followed by time 
latter end of 2012, all were successful upon completion. OC D 
on the track to ensure that everyone knows their respective jobs. 
Coy created the highlight of the course by chucking himself (and This takes approximately 8 weeks.
his bike) down the hole known locally as the quarry, breaking his 
arm in the process. Sgt Taylor RAF showed extreme talent as an During the second week in Dec 12 the MCTC competed in front of 
assistant rider to Maj Young and has subsequently been hand 10,000 spectators at the National Indoor Arena (NIA) Birmingham 

picked to ride along side the boys at Pro Riders UK.
against RAF Cosford and Abbey Wood. Unfortunately after having 
led for the majority of the inal run, the MCTC were beaten by 
Modern Pentathlon
100th of a second by RAF Cosford.
Comprising Fencing, Swimming, Horse Riding, Pistol Shooting and 

Running, the Modern Pentathlon was founded in 1912 by Baron Following the success at the NIA, MCTC were conident that they 
de Coubertin and embraced could compete against the lead crews at the RN/RM Charity Field 
the attributes required for Gun competition. The competition was immense with the inal race 
the complete athlete. These won in a time of 1:19:88 by HMNB Portsmouth. The MCTC ran 

attributes were also adopted their fastest time of 1:27:00 during the heats and inished second 
by the military as they tested in their plate inal. Many of the MCTC Field Gun crew had never 
a soldier’s mental agility and competed in such an event before, however now that they have 
physical prowess. The Army been given the opportunity most agree that it is one of the most 
Pentathlon Championships 
rewarding and enjoyable experiences that they have had during 
were held at Royal Military their Military careers.
Academy Sandhurst on 
Wed 26 Sep 12. The Sporting prowess
competition included guests On the sporting front pride of place must go to the MPS rugby 

from Oxford and Cambridge team on beating the combined might of the Provost World and 
Universities. MCTC was winningtheannual7’scompetitionatSuffolkPark.TheFieldGun 
represented by Sgt Simon team also deserve praise for winning the Endeavour Trophy (not to 
Taylor (RAF) who inished 1st be confused with the Miss Congeniality Award in beauty pageants 

in the military competition apparently!).
and 2nd overall, winning 
the fencing and swimming Individual mentions go to the SEO (Major Greig Taylor – ETS) who 
phases. Sgt Taylor intends has represented the Army at Tennis and Hockey – WO2 Jackie 

to compete in the British Crombie who has represented the AGC at Hockey and Rounders, 
Championships at the end and last, but by no means least, the author is running the London to 
of October and Great Britain Brighton 100Km challenge in May 13 on behalf of the Alzheimer’s 
Selection competitions held
Sgt Simon Taylor RAF receiving 
his Army Pentathlon Champion 
in December 2013.
winner’s prize at the RMAS

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