Page 26 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 26




SSgt (SSI) M Harrison RAPTC

aving been posted with 12 and it has given me a solid knowledge This saw over ninety percent of the 
Regiment RA for just over 6 months base on the principles of Strength & Regt deployed in and around the capital 

now after leaving the illustrious
Conditioning, which I implement at every performing some of the many roles they 
men of 4 SCOTS, I have to confess that level of unit PD within 12 Regt. For anyone are skilled within AD, throughout the 
initially the change was a bigger task debating whether or not to enrol on the duration of the Olympic Games. The Regt 
than I irst imagined. The Jocks are an programme, my advice is that you will not has also recently seen the return of 58 Bty 

excellent outit in all areas of their training, regret it and will develop your knowledge from H16, having had a very successful 
and their positive outlook on all things in this area dramatically.
tour. On return the normalisation process 
physically challenging made my time soon took hold for all and it was jogging 
with them a total joy. Also, their cultural I now look forward to the next couple of along as normal soon enough.

cohesion towards hating all things English years with 12 Regt RA and all that comes 
added an extra bit of character building with it; in particular the opportunity to do Soon after arriving I took over as the 
to my normally mild and relaxed manner! some serious kayaking around the glorious UK South Football Secretary, relieving 
Although I was sad to leave 4 SCOTS, island of Thorney and embrace the many WO2 (QMSI) Kev Haley of the good work 
on receiving my notiication to the 12 he had done over the years. This is a role 
sporting opportunities with the unit.
Regt RA assignment, I thought bonus, which gives a great level of satisfaction, 
another Field Force unit, back in the UK due to the high participation of teams 
and sharing the same recruitment area as across the 5 leagues and Major/Minor unit 
myself (Northwest) this should be an easy cup competitions. Although the inlux of 

transition, I thought.. It took a few weeks results updating on a Thursday normally 
on the new job to remember that not every keeps me very busy.
soldier is a Highlander, fuelled by Buckfast, 
loves exercise, and living off the land.
On a personal note, the return from 

Germany has given me the opportunity 
12 Regiment are an Air Defence Regiment, to continue the study of the S&C degree 
based near Portsmouth on the idyllic with UCLAN, travelling up north to Preston 
Thorney Island. While they are very good every month or so for the mandatory 

at what they do, it is done at a pace and module delivery. We are due to graduate 
pitch very different to that of the previous summer 2013 all being well and I cannot 
posting and this took me a back slightly on wait for that moment, as it has been a 
arrival. However, I’m now fully acclimatised large commitment over the last 3 years. 
to the pace and fully enjoying it.
On initially starting the foundation degree 

during Class One Training, I never planned 
The Regiment recently played a key role on continuing my studies, particularly 
in the Air Defence (AD) of London 2012, considering that I left secondary school 
providing most of the tower block missile before completion of my GCSE exams. It 

support that was widely opposed to in has been a decision I`m glad I made as I 
the media during the Olympic Games.
have found the programme very rewarding

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