Page 28 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 28




Loaded Movement Training can get 
your team combat ready.

hile serving with the Royal Marines in 2002, I began to 
experience pain in my left knee, lower back and neck. This 
caused enormous frustration as I had always taken great 
pride in my physical itness, spending additional hours in the gym and 

on the hills around camp. My recovery was patchy and, unfortunately, 
structural damage led to my medical discharge in 2004.

Upon leaving the Royal Marines, I retrained as a personal trainer 

and began searching for answers to what might have prevented 
my injuries. Recently, my search has led me to a newly emerging 
concept called Loaded Movement Training that resonates with my 
itness philosophy and my own health greatly.

Loaded Movement Training is movement-based resistance training 
that combines real-life movements (think of the movement pattern 
you create when you shift a sandbag or haul a log, for example) 
with weight – or load. Mirroring real-life movements as opposed 

to training muscle groups in isolation can help build strength that 
can be applied to cope with the stresses of a highly physical life.

I believe that increased awareness and understanding of Loaded 

Movement Training will help to prevent more injuries and increase 
performance across all our military and ViPR is my irst-choice 
tool to promote these beneits. Since exploring the concepts of Garry Anderson is a Biomechanics Coach who specialises 
Loaded Movement Training, I’m happy to report that my body is in injury prevention and performance. For more information 

feeling bullet proof again.
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