Page 29 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 29




Capt (MAA) S Semple RAPTC

The previous MBS notes from the G7 PD not necessarily PT linked appeared to come to 

Branch at 2 Div, started with comments the ‘PT bloke’ to sort out. Initially this meant a 
praising the stability provided by quick phone call to the bottomless knowledge 
Dougie McGill and Liz Korda at the AT desk bank, which is the AT desk manned by Maj 
in Edinburgh, and to be honest not much has (Retd) Dougie McGill and his more than capable 

changed in that respect. More on that will assistant Liz Korda. They have both been 
follow later.
fantastic in helping answer the most random 
questions, as they have normally been asked 
The last year seems to have come and gone in
before, during their time within the previous PD 

the blink of an eye, although at times it seems
like it was a long blink. This was my irst post as
a Commissioned Oficer within the Corps and I
This is my irst experience of a Staff Appointment 
was the irst of the new SO3 PD appointments
within a Bde HQ, and certainly my irst experience 
to be integrated within the Regional Brigade
of working with the Reserve Forces. If I’m being 

Headquarters. I was fortunate when I took
honest, both have provided a huge learning 
up the appointment here in Stirling, elements
curve, but a rewarding challenge none the less. 
of the ‘old’ 2 Div HQ were still in place in
51 Bde which covers the entire geographical
Edinburgh and either awaiting a new assignment or calling time area of Scotland does not have a huge amount of Regular units 

on their career and moving onto pastures new.
to administer, (this is due to change with the implementation of 
the Adaptable Force Brigade structure). However it does have 
Nevertheless, the invaluable assistance in starting up a new post a signiicant number of Reserve units which require more than 
was provided by Maj (MAA) Hamish MacCunn RAPTC, WO1 (SMI) a little knowledge of the Reserves and their numerous policies 

Neil Beattie RAPTC and WO2 (QMSI) Wally Walbrook RAPTC, and directives in order to provide effective advice. Those who 
thank you gents.
have served with the Reserves will know exactly what I am talking 
about. The ‘One Army’ concept is slowly bringing the Reserves 
From the relative luxury of the CRSM Ofice, I was welcomed into into line with the Regulars, I’m convinced it will get better.. In 

my new corner in the G3 open plan ofice and told, “We will get time.
you a laptop from somewhere soon”. This kind of set the scene 
for the start of this post. From my initial work dealing with Scottish Each Regional Bde is scaled for 1 x SO3 and an FTRS WO2, which 
Government Agencies on unit strengths and history relating hopefully can be recruited in the near future. This is deinitely a 
to potential redundancies, I’m glad that the bulk of the work step forward in providing closer links with the RAPTCIs on the 

conducted now is PD related. Anything even remotely physical,
ground, and improving communication both ways.



Sgt (SI) G Bowery RAPTC

fter completing what seemed like a the normal for the modern day RAPTCI which I am accustomed then it quickly hit 
lifetime of pre-deployment MST for but in a rather different climate. Our home at this point!

Herrick 17 the time inally came for RSOI was interrupted on day 3 with the 
deployment in September 2012. My role unexpected and now infamous attack on On completion of RSOI it was off to 
would see me enjoying a taste of life as an Camp Bastion taking place on the airield Camp Tombstone in the corner of Bastion 
Infanteer of sorts, being assigned the role just to our rear, a little close for comfort to take over the accounts from our 
of Commanding Oficer’s TAC party. The given that we were not yet operational. If I predecessors (a painstaking process as is 

irst phase of tour would be the dreaded hadn’t worked it out just yet that this would any accounting, made more bearable by 
RSOI package, early starts and long days;
be 6 months alien to the gymnasium life to
the appropriately qualiied soldiers in our

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