Page 13 - ALG Issue 3 2023
P. 13

                                   can creating vegetable beds, rather than a row-system, as this means you do not need to walk on your growing areas.Introducing more oxygen into soil by digging or rotavating sounds like
a good idea, but this can disturb the delicate balance of soil health.
More and more growers are coming to the conclusion that digging and rotavating can damage the soil ecosystem. No-dig gardening works
with the soil by adding mulch on it and between crops. The mulch suppresses weeds, conserves soil moisture but allows rain through and feeds the worms who do the digging for you. If you are new to no-dig gardening it is probably best to try it on a patch or a bed for a season.
Keep your eyes peeled during National Allotments Week for much more advice on soil health from expert composters and gardeners.
Original text by Russell Attwood
Made from sustainable, natural materials and totally free from peat, New Leaf Compost's range of compost is ideal for allotment growers.
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Using only natural materials to produce compost products packed with natural nutrients and free from chemicals reflects our goal to create eco-friendly composts that are completely peat free and totally sustainable.
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     Allotment and Leisure Gardener 13

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