Page 23 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 23
Cadets taking part
in MTA Leadership activities
Cpl Tom Muir
trying on life-saving kit
Cadets got to complete a simulator course,
with some achieving their blue and bronze wings
RAF Regiment Gunners demonstrate some of their equipment and weaponry to cadets
Cadets enjoyed finding out
about the work of
the fire section
RAF Lossiemouth Mountain Rescue team
showing cadets some of their equipment, including rescue vehicles
Lossiemouth welcomes Yorkshire cadets for flavour of highland RAF life
By Flying Officer Royce Coates
RAF Lossiemouth played host to twenty-four cadets from the Wing, offering them a glimpse into life on the active station.
Whilst on camp in Scotland, the cadets got chance to tour the Eurofighter Typhoon hangars of 1 Squadron and hear a little about the unit’s history,
in addition to getting to grips with some of the equipment used by the RAF Regiment, Fire Service, Safety Centre and Mountain Rescue. The cadets also came face-to-face with some of the RAF Police dogs and got to look around a P/A-8 Poseidon – the RAF’s newest maritime patrol aircraft.
The Camp Commandant, Squadron Leader Simon Coates, said:
“The week-long camp at Lossiemouth has been a tremendous success, really giving cadets a flavour of what life is like on one of the most active RAF stations in the UK. The cadets got to witness Typhoon aircraft taking off, and met RAF personnel from all levels and different trades. As with any camp, the cadets also got up to lots of extra-curricular activities, including things like bowling, ice skating and a trip to the cinema. I’d like to take this opportunity to praise the cadets, staff and all those involved in making the camp a success.”
Further camps are planned for later this year to RAF stations across the UK. Cadets are encouraged to keep an eye on the Cadet Portal for more information.
In addition to the activities above a member of Staff and a very lucky cadet, Cdt Josh Smith from 1869 (Middlesbrough) Squadron, managed to get a flight in the Poseidon MRA1 (P-8A)!
Sgt Kyle Horner from 195 (Grimsby) Squadron commented, “The day started with early breakfast and then a short dart across the airfield, to meet one of the Poseidon’s Master Aircrew for our morning briefing. The flight was a training mission taking part in a specific area of the North Sea in between Denmark and Norway.
We took off from RAF Lossiemouth around 1030hrs, and flew over the North Sea, which gave us the chance to have a look at the onboard equipment and to be shown how it all worked.
We got into the area of interest and carried out the training mission. On the way back to RAF
Lossiemouth, we got in
touch with a British warship,
requesting a fly past. Using the on-board equipment, we could see in exact detail the fixtures
of the warship. After the fly past we made our way back to RAF Lossiemouth. It was definitely an experience to remember!”