Page 24 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 24

 CEY Wing ATC
          Stop, no Go, Wait – what did the starter say?
Main Team Picture (l-r) Standing; Cpl Metcalfe, Cdt MacDonald,
CWO Granville-Twig, Cdt Learmonth, Cpl Jagger, Cdt Blumer, Cdt Kitchen
just behind Cdt Morgan, Cdt Proud, Cdt Wood, Cpl Hewitt, Cdt Abel-Weck, Cdt Smith.
Front Row; Cdt Ellis, Cdt Jessup, Cpl Grant, Team Captains, Cdt James, Cdt Staggs
 Squadron Leaders Simon Coates & Marcus Griffiths
 in playful mood on the relay exchange station
By Flying Officer Mike Donnelly
The long-awaited Wing Athletics competition took place at the Costello Stadium in Hull on Sunday 8 May and Squadrons from all over the Wing participated in a closely run event. The cadets took part in track and field events including running from 100 metres to 1500 metres and 4 x 100 metre relays which were extremely exciting and nail biting at some finishes.
The field events included long and high jump, discus, shot and javelin with varying degrees of success, partly down to a lack of practice over the last two years.
All the cadets who attended thoroughly enjoyed the day which was organized by Pilot Officer Helle McCollin, the Wing Sports Officer, ably assisted by many members of the Wing HQ and Squadron staff, manning the jumps, officiating, photographing and commentating, which was one of the highlights of the day!
The triumphant Squadron on the day was 2337 (Northaller- ton) Squadron, and the teams were led by CWO Ben Massey and Corporal Amy Carter, who both played a large part in the success story. The Squadron took a team of 21 Cadets and returned with a total of 28 medals. The result of their efforts was that they had the best Relay Squads, and won both the Junior Mens and Junior Womens competitions. The efforts of all the Squadron cadets resulted in them winning the overall competition and becoming Wing Champions.
Every cadet who took part on the day played their part in this fantastic return to business as normal, although for many cadets they were unsure what normal used to be. However, all of the participants were a credit to their Squadrons.

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