Page 32 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 32

By Flight Lieutenant Kellyann Martin
The Wing Athletic competition took place at John Charles Centre for Sport in South Leeds in early May.
With many of our cadets being new this year and very young, they were nervous about the event and weren't sure what to expect, and worried that they thought they weren't good enough athletes.
We reassured them it would be a great day, and that 80% of success in life is down to just showing up and having a go. They did just that, and were surprised and delighted to win a nice little stash of medals between them!
A great event, well put together by the Wing Sports Officer Flt Lt Katrina Couchman, it has definitely given the cadets a healthy appetite for competition!
   Wing First Aid Training Course
By Flight Lieutenant Kellyann Martin
A special mention for the Wing First Aid Training Team, who give up many monthly weekends to train the staff of the Wing in first aid skills.
On this particular St John's Activity First Aid course, Sqn Ldr Steve Shaw, Flt Lt Phil Turner, and the delightful Civilian Instructors Sue Shaw and Lionel Green shared their knowledge and skills, ready to keep our staff updated to look after our cadets!
We thank them for their efforts; we’re really grateful they’re doing their bit to keep us all safe.

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