Page 37 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 37
One of the most prestigious and demanding training opportunities available to the Royal Air Force Squadron Air Cadets is the Junior Leaders Course, and Cadet Flight Sergeant Rebecca Jagger of 868 (Mirfield) Squadron recently successfully completed it. As a graduate of the course FS Jagger is now a Qualified Junior Leader (QJL) and is distinguished in uniform by the award of the distinctive maroon lanyard and the Junior Leaders DZ Patch.
Run over a series of nine weekends, starting in September, the course culminates in a ten-day Test Phase, during the Easter period. Training during the course builds upon foundation skills taught within the classroom and practical exercises and progresses to use military skills as a learning vehicle and as an enabler for the development and assessment of leadership skills.
There is a rigorous selection process even to be accepted on the course, and this tests the prospective candidates’ competence in the following areas:
• Presentation and instruction skills
• Navigation
• Fieldcraft
• Fitness
• Weapons handling
Leadership training is the fundamental under- pinning component of the course. The final assessment sees students demonstrate their leadership skills in a high tempo and challenging environment. Training includes the following:
I would recommend the course to all other cadets
• Leadership theory
• Practical leadership tasks
• Team building
• Exercise panning
• Reflective reviews
• Understanding the role of a leader in a military
skills environment
• Practical leadership in the field
Military skills training focuses on being able to perform specific roles as a leader, such as the Section Commander and Section 2ic, along with skills such as being able to conduct patrols, section battle drills, casualty evacuation, and civilian interaction scenarios.
At the end of the course all graduating cadets attend a formal Graduation Dinner to recognise their significant achievements.
Rebecca Jagger reflected on her experience: “this has given me a new confidence in my own leadership that I can pass down to other cadets. Teaching me the skills behind leadership it
gave me a great opportunity to improve my own abilities as a leader. I would recommend the course to all other cadets, not only was it very rewarding, but it also allowed me to meet others from all over the country, building friendships that will last a lifetime.”
The course also offers the opportunity for cadets to qualify for the ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management, for which FS Jagger is now working to complete the necessary reflective work.
Rebecca Jagger is
in the centre of both pictures