Page 35 - Cadet review Summer 2022
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meal on the last day, and left RAF Cranwell with blue lanyards in hand. Besides coming away more educated in various subjects across the RAFAC syllabus, the course provided me with incredible opportunities to network with like minded people across the country, have me a greater appreciation for what it is like to work at a higher level in the organisation, and gave me relationships with my peers that will be invaluable going forward.
I will be using this new qualification to give back as much as possible to the organisation where possible, whether that be through publicity at national events such as RIAT, at a wing level to deliver the Junior QAIC, or simply at a squadron level, passing on a passion for aviation to the next generation of cadets.
...and left RAF Cranwell with blue lanyards in hand
CWO Stockwell in a 'selfie' with
Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore
Tony Keeling after the graduation ceremony
An Air Cadet from 868 (Mirfield) Squadron, Cadet Warrant Officer Jacob Stockwell, has been selected as one of the two top Air Cadets in the north of England in this year’s competition to find the top cadets in the country, to be awarded the Dacre Sword (winner) and the ATC 75 Sword (runner-up).
Cadet Warrant Officer Stockwell was put forward by his Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Peter Doubell, and was subsequently selected by Wing Commander Brian Daniel, Officer Commanding South and West Yorkshire Wing, as the Wing’s nomination for this annual national competition. Following this stage, CWO Stockwell attended an interview board, headed by Regional Commandant North, Group Captain Mark Leeming.
As part of the interview Jacob had to make a short presentation about his life and experience as an air cadet to the interview board, and this was no easy task because of the vast array
of qualifications and experience Jacob has managed to accumulate in his time as a cadet:
• Promotion to Cadet Warrant Officer
• Qualified Aerospace Instructor Course
• Completion of Silver level Duke of Edinburgh’s
Award, and now working towards Gold
• Gold level Cyber Specialist Qualification • St John Activity First Aid qualification
• Extensive support for Squadron and Wing
Virtual Activities and Training during the
Covid-19 lockdown period, including
• BTEC qualifications in Aviation Studies and
Teamwork and Personal Development
• Finalist in the CVQO Westminster Award for
• ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership &
• South & West Yorkshire Wing
trainer/assessor for Blue Radio and Bronze Leadership courses
Commenting on the success enjoyed by CWO Stockwell, his Squadron Commander Flight Lieutenant Peter Doubell, said “Jacob Stockwell is an extraordinarily accomplished and competent young man, who thoroughly deserves
this accolade; he has achieved so much during his time as a cadet and is an exemplary role model for the cadets and NCOs at his Squadron”