Page 56 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 56
By Captain Neil Bizzell
Cadet Company Sergeant Major Niamh Hyatt (17) represented the Army Cadet Force at the service of thanksgiving for the Duke of Edinburgh as part of an honour guard. The Duke was a keen supporter of youth activities and that was reflected in the service and those invited to attend. The cadets lined the route into the abbey and took part in the service.
Cadets from all over the country were chosen to represent the Army Cadet Force in this once in a lifetime experience. The congregation, composed
of military dignitaries, the Royal family, the Prime Minister and members of organisations connected to the Duke, all entered the abbey past the cadets.
Sergeant Major Hyatt who is a Lord-Lieutenant's cadet for South Yorkshire was selected to represent our county as part of Army Cadet Force contingent. She is a cadet at Manor Top detachment and is the Cadet Company Sergeant Major for D Company.
Niamh said: "I will always go on about sticking
to what you want to do even when it gets hard!
If you stick at it it’ll all get better. Progressing through cadets has helped me massively not just throughout my education but my whole life, it builds confidence and makes you a polite respectable young person which is essential for anyone. It has built my confidence and makes me feel proud to
be doing what I do and have done. One of the best things is making lifelong friends from all across the country. I feel so honoured to have been chosen to represent the ACF multiple times however this event was on the next level. I have been face to face with politicians, the Royal family, and only the best, Her Majesty the Queen. It has been an amazing weekend
One of the best things is making lifelong friends from all across the country
so do what you have got to do to get to where you want to go and if you need help with anything, ask."
The cadets did a great job
in representing the Army Cadet Force and were very proud to take part in such a nationally significant event. Maj Alasdair Halford-Macleod QDG said: “All the cadets turned up with a great attitude and looking very smart. CSM Hyatt was a lovely young lady that came across very
well to all that spoke to