Page 57 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 57

By 2Lt Adm Fidment
During the February half term (20-25th February 2022), Cadets and Adult Instructors from the county attended a Skiing Trip in Scotland. The Alpine skiing expedition’s attendees had a varied skill
set from individuals who had no experience at all to those who had skied regularly. The expedition allowed personnel to gain a Ski Foundation Level 1 qualification.
The programme for the event was packed with Skiing fun and all cadets managed to achieve. After mastering the basic skills of the snowplough, some cadets even managed to introduce themselves to parallel skiing – a huge accomplishment in such a short space of time. There was plenty of laughter and stories to tell as many
ended up falling down
the slopes – including the
more experienced adult
instructors! This was a
fantastic introduction to
the potential that the new
Adventurous Training
Syllabus has to offer and
the County are looking
forwards to similar
expeditions becoming
a part of their yearly
There was plenty of laughter and stories to tell
       CADET REVIEW SPRING 2022 57

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