Page 24 - QARANC Vol 16 No 1 2018
P. 24

                                22 QARANC THE GAZETTE
 Newcastle Branch
Chair: Shirley Laverick-Stovin Secretary: Jacqui Hall
The Branch has had an interesting year trying to blow away some cobwebs, renew old memberships, and welcome new members to the Branch including Col (Retd) David Bates (previously DANS) and Lt Col (Retd) David Armstrong, formerly Commanding Officer of 335 Medical Evacuation Regiment.
Our congratulations go to three of our members on reaching the fantastic age of 80 years during 2017. Kate Bushnell, Mary Cowen and Margaret Davison received wonderful bouquets of flowers from Regimental Headquarters and were delighted with them.
The Branch has been actively supporting a number of events over the last year despite the distance we have to travel at times. Our Chair, Shirley Laverick-Stovin, and Secretary, Jacqui Hall, had the opportunity to attend the celebrations at Bagshot Park, in the presence of HRH the Countess of Wessex, for the 70th Anniversary Garden Party in June 2017. They were also able to attend Col Sue Bush’s retirement tea party held at Regimental Headquarters, Robertson House, on 6 September.
The Branch has had a number of speakers who have extended our knowledge on a variety of interesting subjects over the year. Ann Clouston, who is a qualified Newcastle city guide, has been very generous in not only leading a walk around the city centre, but then giving a follow-up presentation at Fenham Barracks to the members who were unable to walk the distance. It was very illuminating, showing us the hidden war memorials, as well as the more well-known ones around the streets. There were memorials hidden and retained in places you would not think of. Artefacts were found in places such as a hotel that was formerly a department store, to rooms in Newcastle University, which had previously been used as wards during WW1.
As always we have had joint outings with the RAMC Association, which included a “sail and scoff” event where we sailed down the River Tyne and enjoyed a meal in the open air, although the weather did get the better of us and eventually forced us to go below deck.
Jacqui Hall and Shirley Laverick-Stoving presenting flowers to Col Sue Bush at her retirement party in RHQ Robertson House, Camberley
  On a more sombre note, our Chair and standard bearer, Fiona Mitford, attended the funeral of Joan Waters, who had been a Major in the Regular QARANC, and was posted to a wide number of our military hospitals. Although she was a lapsed member of HQ Roll, it was through the Veterans Honoured site that we were informed of her passing and funeral, giving us the opportunity to honour her service.
We had our best turn-out for a few years at our annual Christmas dinner with the RAMC Association held at the Britannia Hotel; it was excellent as ever. Some of our members who are
also serving and retired members of 201 Field Hospital, had an enjoyable Burns Night Supper on 20 January 2018, where the haggis, neeps and tatties went down very well along with the whisky!
We are looking forward to more events in 2018. In March, we will be joining everyone at the National QARANC Corps Day event in Catterick, and we are having a local celebration on the 27 March in Newcastle.
Maj (Retd) Jacqui Hall Branch Secretary

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