Page 6 - ALG Issue 3 2022
P. 6

Well, this year has started off at a pace with opportunities arising left, right and centre to promote our allotments movement.
Firstly, I was invited for an interview along with 40 other horticultural- related persons on the ‘Human Gardener’ stage at the Harrogate Spring Flower Show. I took advantage of the opportunity to erect an NAS publicity stand for the day.
I also attended The Chartered Institute of Horticulture AGM to make them aware of the important contribution allotment gardening has to offer the horticultural world.
Following this, I was contacted for a photoshoot and interview for a newspaper article on allotment contribution to National Gardening Week.
Immediately after this, I attended the Leeds Allotment Federation Learning Day to give an illustrated talk as part of a whole day allotment learning experience. Sarah Owen-Hughes, who has been a horticultural lecturer and is very well thought of in the horticultural world, gave a very interesting talk on soil. She also offered free soil testing throughout the duration of the event. These learning days are open to all Leeds Allotment holders: it is free! And there was a fish and chip lunch – who says Yorkshire folk are tight with their money?
Shortly after this, followed four days at Malvern Spring Festival assisting the NAS Midlands Region volunteers
to man a magnificent allotment for the promotion of allotment gardening.
More on all the above in the Yorkshire section at the back of the magazine.
Finally, some good steady rain is falling as I write, following a very long dry spell. This is much-needed rain and should bring our crops on leaps and bounds.
I do hope you have the means on your sheds, greenhouses and polytunnels to harvest this liquid gold. TV’s Country File pointed out that water will become a very precious commodity in the future if climate change continues at its present rate.
I hope you are preparing to do something in National Allotments Week e.g., an Allotment Open Day to keep a positive image and a high profile for our allotments, and involve the local community.
water will become
a very precious commodity in the future
It is sad to lose members of staff, but
it is good to welcome new members.
A very warm welcome is extended to Deborah Burn, our new Development Officer, and Lauren Lawless, our new PR & Marketing Co-ordinator. I am sure there will be lots of new approaches
to help our organisation move forward following these appointments.
Reminder to secretaries: don’t forget to send the link for the flipbook magazine to your members with internet access and also the site access code to the Members Section of the NAS website. We don’t want them to miss out on all the information we make available.
Wishing you happy allotment gardening and a productive year.
Phil Gomersall
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                                     6 Allotment and Leisure Gardener

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